Number: IX.12 
Date Issued: Dec. 18, 1992
Date Revised:


Deep Class Concept 

Where there are certain, identified specific higher level or supervisory assignments within a class which are performed on a rotational basis, alternate salary ranges provide a means to compensate employees who perform such assignments within that class. 


An alternate salary range may be established for a class for recordkeeping purposes, to identify the base salary range for a class and an alternate range which applies in lieu of receipt of other compensation. This is done to facilitate the correct identification of step placement and step advancement when an individual is appointed to a higher, equal or lower class.


Section 161 O, Alternate Salary Ranges (Deep Class) 
Resolution 221-84
Resolution 530-92


  1. Class Title and Employment Status. Placement of an employee on an alternate salary range shall not affect the employee's class title or employment status.

  2. Step Placement and Step Advancement - Alternate Salary Range. The same salary step and hours of service for purposes of step advancement shall apply in the alternate salary range as apply in the standard salary range for the employee's class. Placement on an alternate salary range for a class shall not effect an employee's step placement or hours of service for purposes of step advancement in the class.

  3. Effective Dates. An eligible employee shall be placed at the appropriate alternate salary range on the first day of the first full pay period of assignment, with the prior approval of the Personnel Director. Placement on an alternate salary range shall cease at the end of the last pay period of assignment, unless the employee separates prior to the end of the pay period.

  4. Step Placement and Step Advancement - Appointment to Another Class. An alternate salary range shall not be considered in determining step placement and step advancement upon appointment to an equal, higher or lower class. An employee shall be considered to be at the standard (base) salary range for purposes of determination of step placement and step advancement upon appointment to an equal, higher or lower class.

  5. Salary upon Reinstatement, Reemployment or Reappointment from Displacement. An employee shall be considered to have been at the standard (base) salary range for a class for purposes of Sections 161 L (Salary Upon Reinstatement), and 161 M (Salary Upon Reemployment and Reappointment from Displacement) of these regulations.

  6. Creation/Structure.

    Alternate salary ranges may be established upon the recommendation of the Personnel Director and approval of the Board of Supervisors. The Personnel Director shall maintain a listing of approved criteria for each alternate salary range.

    Salary steps in an alternate range shall be set a specific percentage amount amount each step in the standard (base) salary range for the class. 

  7. Alternate Salary Range(s) for Deep Class.

    Alternate salary ranges provide a means to compensate individuals who perform certain specified higher level technical or supervisory assignments within a class on a rotational basis.

    Alternate salary ranges shall apply only to the classification and positions as designated by the Personnel Director and approved by the Board of Supervisors 


Personnel Department:

Upon approval by the Board of Supervisors of the alternate range(s), the Personnel Department will notify the Auditor-Controller, Auditor-Payroll, and affected operating department(s) of the alternate range(s) and criteria for application of the alternate range(s). For "deep class" applications, a PAN form will be completed by the Personnel Department which will identify the individual position affected and the alternate range.

The system for identification and coding of alternate ranges is shown on attached Exhibit A.

Operating Department:

For specific "deep class" assignments, as individuals are rotated to or out of the assignment the department prepares and submits action form which reflects appropriate range and step, together with a memo which: (1) identifies the individual(s) being rotated to or out of the assignment; (2) when such assignment or rotation is to occur; and (3) provides information specific to the particular alternate range which clearly documents that the criteria have been met.

For management trainees in executive management who are attaining permanent status, prepares and submits action form: (1) which assigns the employee to the alternate range for the class; (2) which shows the appropriate change in benefit status (e.g., 05 to 08); and (3) to reflect attainment of permanent status (together with required documentation).

When an employee in a alternate salary range is being appointed to another class (equal, higher or lower), step placement and step advancement for the new class is based upon the base salary range, NOT the alternate salary range. (See Section IX 3 regarding step advancement and step placement upon appointment to another class.)

Exhibit A


For classes to which alternate salary range(s) apply, an additional character in the class code identifies the base class and alternate ranges for that class. An "A" as the last character of the class code will identify the salary range for the base salary range. For deep classes, the class code for alternate ranges will be followed by a "B," "C," or "D." For recordkeeping applications, the class code for the alternate range will always be followed by an "F." In addition, for alternate ranges, the alternate range code will appear in parentheses in the class title. 

The examples below illustrate this coding system:

Example 1: Deep class of Attorney IV-DA. 
base class =  JD8A Attorney IV-DA 
1st alternate range =  JD8B Attorney IV-DA (B) 
2nd alternate range =  JD8C Attorney IV-DA (C) 


Example 2: Recordkeeping - management trainee upon permanent status 
Employees in "management trainee" classes in Executive Management are no longer considered trainees upon completion of probation for the class and are assigned to an alternate range.
base class (while probationary) =   UR3A  Asst Admin Analyst 
alternate range (permanent) = UR3F Asst Admin Analyst (F) 

Example 3. Individual makes P.E.R.S. employee contribution
All employees in the Law Enforcement Middle Management Unit pay the employee's P.E.R.S. retirement contribution and are placed at another range in lieu of County payment of the employee P.E.R.S. contribution. The base range is used to compute step placement and step advancement upon appointment to this class, or to a higher, lower or equal class.
base class =   RG3A   Sheriffs Lieutenant
alternate range =  RG3F Sheriff's Lieutenant (F)