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Topic:   DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL LIAISONS    Date Issued:  Nov. 15, 1990

Section: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE           Date Revised:

Number:  I.2.






To provide for coordination of key personnel functions with appropriate

departmental representatives.





It is the policy of Santa Cruz County to identify Departmental Personnel

Liaisons for the purpose of coordinating:


                 Employee Relations actions

                 Risk Management employee insurance notification


                 Testing and Job experts

                 Classification studies


This is typically one individual that has the authority to assign depart-

mental resources and coordinate key actions for the department.  Personnel

staff will coordinate through this individual although some activities will

require work with other staff in the department.





  I. Personnel on an annual basis will request departments to identify the

     correct Departmental Liaison.  Personnel will publish this to all

     personnel staff which will be instructed to coordinate activities

     through that individual.


 II. In general, information in relation to personnel matters will be

     forwarded to this individual.


III. All Departmental Liaisons will have access to PROFS and Information

     Center functions.


 IV. Personnel staff will take instruction from this individual as to who

     within the department is the appropriate person to work with on

     various projects.




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  V. Additional liaisons will be designated for affirmative action and

     safety specific activities.



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