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Section:  ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE          Date Revised:


Number:   I.3.




To document personnel administrative policies and procedures in a

standard format and provide for a method of assuring distribution

to departments.




All personnel administrative policies and procedures will be

documented and distributed to departments in a standard format.

These policies and procedures will be retained in a binder in the

departments for reference as to interpretation of policies and

procedures of the Personnel Department.




Creation of a policy/procedure


     A.   The Personnel Department will document policies and

procedures used in interpretation and application of codes;

rules; Civil Service Commission, Equal Employment Opportunity

Commission, County Administrative Office and Board of Supervisors

policies; and Personnel Department practices.


     B.  A standard format and numbering system will be used for

          the purpose of department maintenance of the

          policies/procedures in a Personnel Administrative



     C.  Draft language will be distributed to affected

          departments, divisions or functions for comments, prior

          to finalization.


     D.  Final versions of a policy/procedure will be presented

          to the department through the training of departmental



II.  Updating of Policies/Procedures


     A.  Changes to policies/procedures will follow the same

          practice as the creation of a policy/procedure.


     B.  Departmental Liaisons will be sent updates along with

          instructions for filing in the Personnel Administrative

          Manual and, if appropriate, an updated Table of Contents

          for the Manual.





Page 2 of 2                           PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL

     C.   Policies and procedures will be reviewed on an annual basis, in

          December of each year, for necessary updates.


III. Other policies and procedures


     A.   Personnel/Payroll Clerk Policies and Procedures - Specific coun-

          tywide procedures that are required to process personnel transac-

          tions are documented in a separate detailed procedure manual.


     Internal Personnel Department policies and procedures will be docu-

          mented in the Personnel Procedures Manual which will be distrib-

          uted to Personnel Department staff and Agency Personnel Depart-

          ment staff.


     C.  Personnel Regulations, Memoranda of Understanding and other pub-

          lished literature may be the source of policies on specific mat-

          ters.  These are noted in the table of contents of the Personnel

          Administrative Manual if this is the case.


 IV. Basis for Personnel Policies and Procedures


     A.   Personnel Regulations including:


          1.   Section 110 - Definitions

          2.   Section 120 - County Code Provisions, Personnel Program

          3.   Section 130 - Civil Service Rules

          4.   Section 140 - Computation of Probation

          5.   Section 150 - References

          6.   Section 160 - Salary, Compensation and Leave Provisions

          7.   Section 170 - Other Personnel Program Provisions

          8.   Section 180 - Employer/Employee Relations

          9    Section 190 - Equal Employment Opportunity/Non-

          Discrimination Program


     B.   Memorandum of Understanding with various representation units


     C.   Federal and State laws and regulations


     D.   Case law impacting specific practices

     E.   Personnel professional standards in general.