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Topic:    COUNTY ORGANIZATION CHARTS        Date Issued:  Nov. 15, 1990

Section:  ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE          Date Revised:

Number:   I.4.






To provide guidelines to departments on how to develop organization charts

to facilitate better understanding of the information presented.





  I. In order to facilitate mutual understanding of information presented

     on Organization Charts, it is desirable to use uniform standards in

     their development.  Some basic generalities are listed below.  Devia-

     tions from these may be appropriate when following these guidelines

     does not provide the most accurate or meaningful information.  The

     value of standardization becomes more apparent if we consider the

     purpose of the organizational chart: to clarify and communicate organ-

     izational structure, reporting relationships and assignment of posi-

     tions within an organization.


     A.   Good balance or symmetry is desirable, but not at the cost of

          clarity or accuracy.


     B.   In large organizations it is desirable to establish a basic chart

          to show the overall structure of the department or organization.

          Supplementary charts may show details at lower levels.  The

          amount of detail appropriate for a particular chart will depend

          on the purpose for which it is prepared.


     C.   As major classification studies are undertaken, new master organ-

          ization charts should be produced, which may be amended from time

          to time after that date.


     D.   The majority of organizational charts will be designed to indi-

          cate the assignment of positions.


     E.   When a chart is prepared for a classification study, be certain

          to show the next higher level of position within the organiza-

          tional unit and whether or not the next higher level supervises

          other positions.


     F.   If a position shown on the organization chart has other areas of



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          responsibility not shown on the chart, a double ended horizontal

          arrow may be used to indicate other areas of responsibility.


     G.   In preparing organizational charts, it is a good idea to allow

          room for positions to be added in the future.  As positions are

          added to the chart or reclassified in the future, the date of

          change should be included next to the position studied.  An as-

          terisk may be used to aid in showing areas of change.


     H.   Identification of the functional responsibility of small units

          can be helpful to others in the future and, therefore, should be

          included if possible.


     I.   It is also possible that in some instances it may be desirable to

          add other information concerning the unit on the organization



     J.   Solid lines are used to indicate direct control or flow of au-

          thority downward and reporting relationships upward.  In some

          instances it may be appropriate to use a broken line with a brief

          notation to indicate an advisory or cooperative relationship.


     K.   Organization charts should be dated and show the developer's

          initials.  Changes should be initialed as well as dated.




  I. Departments are required to submit updated accurate organizational

     charts each year with the budget request to the County Administrative



 II. Upon CAO approval, a copy will be forwarded to the Personnel Depart-



III. New positions requested should be clearly labeled as such so that 1)

     the Personnel Department can easily identify new positions requested

     to compare to those approved (for classification purposes); and, 2)

     the chart can be easily updated after the budget is finalized.


 IV. The Personnel Department will compile and publish the organization

     charts provided.


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