To explain how the various County leave of absence policies interrelate for any
period necessitating an extended leave, and the restrictions on use of
voluntary time off (VTO) and voluntary reduction in work hours in lieu of leave
of absence without pay.
PAM V.1.C.5 Voluntary Reduction of Work Hours
PAM XIII.1.B Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and CA Family Rights Act (CFRA)
Leaves of Absence
PAM XIII.1.C Pregnancy Disability Leave
PAM XIII.2.A Other Medical Leave of Absence Without Pay
PAM XIII.2.B Personal/Educational Leave of Absence Without Pay
PAM XIII.2.C Voluntary Time Off (VTO) Program
PAM XIII.4 Return from Leaves of Absence POLICY:
County policies allow employees to request unpaid leaves of absence up to a
maximum continuous leave period of one year. Since some employees may request
approval for a leave of absence that falls within more than one type of leave,
this policy will outline the interrelationship between the various types of
leave and the approvals necessary to extend leaves of absence.
a. An employee disabled by pregnancy is entitled to up to four months disability leave, usually taken as Other Medical Leave. Leave can be taken before or after birth during any period of time the woman is physically unable to work because of pregnancy or a pregnancy-related condition. Leave for pregnancy/childbirth is available to birth mothers only, and only during the period of time that the employee is medically disabled as a result of the pregnancy. Employees are entitled to take Pregnancy Disability Leavein addition to any leave entitlement they might have under FMLA/CFRA.
During the period of a pregnancy-related disability, the leave will be designated as Other Medical Leave.
a. A birth-mother requesting leave to care (“Baby Bond”) for her newborn child after she is no longer disabled due to the pregnancy may request a leave of absence under FMLA/CFRA within one year of the child’s birth. If that is no longer available to the employee the leave to care for the newborn child should be requested as Personal/ Educational Leave.
b. Parents who adopt a child or accept a foster child placement may, within one year of the date or adoption or placement, request leave under FMLA/CFRA . If such leave is not available to the employee, the employee may request leave to care for the child as Personal/Educational Leave.
c. Parents (non birth-mother) of newborns may request leave to care (“Baby Bond”) under FMLA/CFRA within one year of the child's birth. If such leave is not available to the employee, the employee may request leave to care for the child as Personal/Educational Leave.
a. If a leave of absence is requested for the employee's own serious medical condition, the leave will be classified as FMLA/CFRA Leave. If the employee's inability to work due to the serious medical condition continues beyond the 12 workweeks authorized under FMLA/CFRA , the employee may request an Other Medical Leave of absence.
b. If the employee's medical condition does not qualify as a "serious medical condition" for purposes of FMLA/CFRA Leave, or if the employee is not eligible for Family Care or Medical Leave, the employee may request a leave of absence under the Other Medical Leave policy.
a. Employees are entitled to take up to 12 weeks of FMLA/CFRA leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition. Employees requesting further leave to care for a family member upon the conclusion of a 12 week FMLA/CFRA Leave may request additional leave under the Personal/Educational Leave policy. Employees may request Personal/Educational Leave to care for a family member not covered by FMLA/CFRA , as may employees who are not eligible for FMLA/CFRA .
b. Employees are entitled to take up to 26 weeks of FMLA leave to care for a Seriously Injured or Ill Servicemember. Employees requesting further leave to care for a family member upon the conclusion of a 26- week FMLA Leave may request additional leave under the Personal/Educational Leave policy. Employees may request Personal/Educational Leave to care for a servicemember not covered by FMLA/CFRA , as may employees who are not eligible for FMLA/CFRA.
Maximum Period of Leave of Absence Without Pay
The maximum amount of continuous leave of absence without pay that may be
approved is one year, regardless of the type(s) of leave without pay taken. An
employee may have a combination of FMLA/CFRA Leave, Other Medical Leave and
Personal/Educational Leave, but the maximum amount of leave of absence without
pay remains one year.
Use of Paid and Unpaid Leave, Voluntary Time Off (VTO), and Voluntary Reduction in Hours Worked
B. Use
of Voluntary Time Off (VTO)
Departments may not approve Voluntary Time Off (VTO) in lieu of any leave of
absence without pay. VTO is to be granted only for the purpose of reducing
County costs during a period of serious economic difficulties rather than
making permanent cuts of budgeted County positions. On February
1, 1994, the Board of Supervisors directed departments to use VTO provisions
only for the purposes of attaining budgetary savings and not in lieu of FMLA or
other leave of absence without pay provisions.
C. Use of Advanced Voluntary Time Off (AVTO)
During periods when AVTO has been negotiated by applicable bargaining unit(s) and approved by the Board of Supervisors, the following applies: departments may not approve AVTO in lieu of any leave of absence without pay. AVTO is to be granted only for the purpose of reducing County costs during a period of serious economic difficulties rather than making permanent cuts of budgeted County positions.
D. Voluntary
Reduction of Working Hours (Work Hours less than scheduled/authorized hours)
An employee may request a voluntary reduction in work hours for various
reasons, including to provide care for a family member with a serious medical
condition on an intermittent or reduced hour basis (e.g., taking one afternoon
off a week to care for a parent receiving chemotherapy/radiation therapy over a
period of time), or for the employee to obtain treatment for the employee's own
serious medical condition. Such voluntary reductions in work hours may be
granted as an alternative to FMLA/CFRA . However, the employee's reduced work
hours must be reflected in the Payroll System. On February
1, 1994, the Board of Supervisors directed that the scheduled hours of work be
identified for payroll purposes when the hours have been reduced below the
authorized hours for the employee's position. Voluntary reductions in work
hours require the prior approval of the department head and the County
Administrative Officer.
E. The use of VTO or AVTO in lieu of leave of absence without pay, the interspersing of paid leave with unpaid leave, and the failure to show an employee’s reduced work hours in the Payroll System can result in disparate treatment of employees with respect to seniority for layoff, insurance coverage and contributions, and/or pay for time not worked.
A. During Paid Leave: coverage in employee insurances is continued for employees on paid time off (e.g. compensatory time off, vacation, annual leave, sick leave, administrative leave).
B. During FMLA/CFRA Leave without Pay: Coverage in employee insurances is continued for up to 12 weeks per calendar year while an employee is on an approved Family Care or Medical Leave with County and employee contributions as if the employee was continuing work with the County.
C. During Other Medical Leave or Personal/Educational Leave without Pay: For coverage under and for County and employee contributions for employee group insurances during Other Medical Leave or Personal/Educational Leave, see the "Continuation of Insurances during Leave of Absence Without Pay" Article of applicable Memorandum of Understanding. (This Article in the Middle Management Unit MOU also applies to Executive Management employees and employees in the District Attorneys' Unit.)
B. Return from Leaves of Absence Without Pay.
For policies regarding return from leaves of absence without pay, see Personnel Administrative Manual Section XIII.4: “Return to Work Requirements from Leave of Absence.”