Date Issued:
February, 1993
Date Revised:
To establish a County Labor/Management Safety Committee to enhance communication of safety concerns between management and labor.
California Senate Bill 198.
- To comply with the employee/employer safety commitment the County shall establish a County Labor/Management Safety Committee (CSC).
- The CSC will serve as the executive advisory resource to assure all County departments have assistance and the ability to implement and communicate safety concerns effectively.
- The CSC will work through the Departmental Safety Liaison Representatives working within the scope of the authority and duties of the Liaisons.
- The CSC is not intended to replace or supersede the responsibility or authority of any County department or the Departmental Safety Liaisons.
There shall be 11 members to direct the business of the CSC committee. Members should be chosen in view of duties and responsibilities within County government. There shall be labor representatives, equal management representation and the OSH Program Manager as recorder and technical resource.
- Chairperson
Conduct CSC meetings according to Roberts Rules of Order. Directs the agenda and assigns task force teams and investigative teams to accomplish CSC objectives.
- Vice-chairperson
Assumes the duties of the chairperson when the chairperson is unavailable or absent.
- Recorder
Performs administrative and procedural duties as directed by the CSC chairperson. Prepares and issues the agenda; records and distributes meeting minutes; issues any advance material required by the CSC; maintains a roster of officers. Informs chairperson of any unusual or priority safety issues which may be communicated through inspections, reports, or investigations.
- Meeting Schedule: The CSC shall set a regularly scheduled meeting agenda, at least quarterly.
- Special Meetings: The Chairperson may call special meetings as deemed necessary. Any member may request the Chairperson to convene a special meeting.
- Regular Meeting: A majority of permanent members shall constitute a quorum.
- Rules of Order: The chairperson shall follow normal rules of order and maintain a professional level of conduct during the meeting.
- Motions: The chairperson shall entertain motions from permanent members or officers. A motion shall be recorded as approved by common consent, approved by popular consent with dissents noted, tabled for advisement, or denied by popular consent with dissents noted.
- Membership Status: Officers and members assigned to serve on the CSC will be expected to demonstrate professional conduct and set a positive example in the performance of duties.
Officers may be removed for any reason by the County Administrative Officer; replacement must be made within 30 days.
Members may be removed from the roster by the appointing manager at any time for any reason. The CSC officers may request that a member be replaced due to poor attendance or lack of participation in the program. Any vacancy on the CSC membership roster shall be filled within 30 days after the vacancy.
Members who wish to resign from CSC/DSL duties must do so through the appropriate manager.
All vacancies, reassignments, resignations, appointments and reappointments or any other circumstance which may affect the membership roster of CSC must be communicated in writing as soon as possible.
- Communication: The CSC will promote a climate of open communication on safety and health issues throughout the County organization.
- Confidentiality: The CSC shall not compromise the confidentiality requirements of any individual or department.
- Public Trust: The CSC may deal with matters of public interest. Any inquiry by an agent of news media shall be directed to the County Administrative Officer.
- Accident and Incident Review: The CSC shall evaluate accident/ injury reports to identify trends and submit recommendations to the affected department(s) for corrective action. The CSC will review accidents involving County owned vehicles to assure that adequate and corrective measures will prevent recurrence.
- Training: The CSC shall review and evaluate programs necessary to satisfy Cal-OSHA and Federal OSHA requirements.
- Recommendations: The CSC shall make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, County Administration Office, and department heads on issues which pose a threat to the safety and health of County employees or to abate an alleged hazardous condition.
- Special Investigations: The CSC may initiate special investigations of major accidents, injuries, or alleged hazards through the County OSH staff. In such instances, the team shall submit a written report to the chairperson.
- Labor Relations: The CSC shall not advise or initiate actions which conflict with the terms of any bargaining unit or Memorandum of Understanding unless such advice is required for regulatory compliance and has been approved by County Counsel.
- Standards: In the event of conflict regarding interpretation of a safety and health policy, recommendation or regulation, Cal-OSHA standards shall apply.