Date Issued:
Oct. 28. 1991
Date Revised:
Dec. 18, 1992
Establish a policy and procedures for identification, management, and abatement of asbestos containing materials (ACM) applicable to all County employees and facilities.
Asbestos is a known carcinogen. The referenced documents set forth the potential hazards of ACM and the essential steps to avoid health risks. This policy and procedure in response to the Federal, State and local mandates is established to achieve that goal.
California Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
- Guidance for Controlling Asbestos-Containing Materials in Buildings (USEPA 560/5-85-024) 1985 Edition
- Asbestos in Buildings-Guidance for Service and Maintenance Personnel (USEPA 560/5-85-018) July 1985
- A Contractor's Guide to Asbestos, Contractors State License Board, Department of Consumer Affairs, State of California
- The Occupational Safety and Health Division of the Personnel Department shall be responsible for developing and administering a program for the recognition and control of ACM in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
- The Hazardous Materials Program Analyst is designated as the Asbestos Program Manager (APM) and shall be responsible for implementation of this policy.
- A program for asbestos recognition and control in land and buildings under the jurisdiction of the County shall be developed and maintained under the direction of the Hazardous Materials Program Analyst. The objective of the program shall be to identify potential risks and to develop appropriate control measures, to advise employees and users of County facilities of such risks, and to train employees to perform their duties in ways that minimize exposure to ACM.
- The asbestos program shall be in compliance with the County's Illness and Injury Prevention Program under the CAL/OSHA regulations of SB198.
- The asbestos program shall be coordinated by the OSH Division between the County Administrative Office, Information Services, POSCS, Public Works-Real Property, HSA-Environmental Health, General Services, and any other concerned Department to assure that they are fully informed in order to conduct their related activities and to apply their expertise in the conduct of a County-wide asbestos program.
- Abatement - Procedures to reduce risk of exposure to asbestos such as removal, encapsulation, or containment.
- Asbestos - A group of naturally occurring minerals that separate into fibers. There are six asbestos minerals used commercially: Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Anthophyllite, Tremolite, and Actinolite.
- Asbestos Program Manager (APM) - The person responsible for directing the Asbestos Control Program described in this procedure (Hazardous Materials Program Analyst).
- Assessment - A specialized procedure for evaluation of survey results in terms of physical conditions and potential hazards in order to develop response actions.
- Friable Material- Material which is capable of being crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
- Operations and Maintenance Program (O&M) - A program to minimize risk of asbestos exposure to building occupants. The program includes labeling ACM, limiting access, training, and periodic inspection and re-assessment.
- Response Actions - Actions in response to identification of ACM. Actions may range from periodic inspection to removal.
- Survey - A detailed review of building records, building inspection and sampling of all suspect materials to pinpoint location and condition of all ACM.
- General Responsibilities
- Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSH) of the Personnel Department.
OSH shall implement a County-wide Asbestos Management program. The Hazardous Materials Program Analyst will serve as Asbestos Program Manager.
- Capital Improvement Project Staff
County staff working to implement for Capital Improvement projects, shall have a working knowledge of the existence and implications of ACM in County buildings, and shall insure that consulting design firms include appropriate design and construction elements pertaining to ACM.
- Operations and Maintenance Staff
Departments having operations and maintenance staff involved in working on County facilities shall develop and implement asbestos control procedures necessary for their normal scope of work. Such procedures shall utilize the technical support of the Asbestos Program Manager (APM) and further the objectives of the Asbestos Management Program. Minimum objectives for these divisional procedures are set forth under Specific Responsibilities of operation and maintenance staff and in accordance with Title VIII of the California Administrative Code.
- Specific Responsibilities
Duties of the Asbestos Program Manager (APM)
- The APM shall:
- Organize and manage the Asbestos Management Program.
- Be responsible for communication and coordination of all ACM matters with General Services, Public Works and POSCS and with concerned Departments.
- Develop one-year, three-year, and ten-year plans for the Asbestos Control Program. The one and three year plans shall be revised periodically to reflect survey and assessment findings and for budget planning purposes.
- Assure that General Services and any other County Department performing or arranging for renovations and demolitions of County facilities contact the OSH Division prior to commencing activities.
- Schedule and coordinate ACM surveys for all County-owned and leased buildings as identified in the APM's work plan.
- Survey potential acquisitions to determine need for further assessment, upon request by County Departments making acquisitions.
- Notify the CAO and affected Departments when ACM is identified in County buildings.
- Schedule and coordinate an assessment of conditions and risks when ACM is found in a building and prepare recommendations for further action.
- In coordination with CAO Office develop and implement procedures for notifying employees and building users of ACM conditions in particular buildings.
- Develop an inspection program in conjunction with SB198 inspections and maintain surveillance over all locations where ACM is known to exist to prevent any unauthorized disturbances, in compliance with Title VIII of the California Administrative Code.
- Develop ACM project guidelines, insurance requirements, and related contract information in coordination with General Services and Risk Management.
- Develop, direct, and/or contract for training required for County personnel concerned with asbestos control and abatement.
- Review and approve plans for all ACM abatement or control projects.
- Inspect all ACM related projects before, during, and after completion of such projects.
- Approve all ACM projects prior to final acceptance by the County.
- Issue and enforce stop work orders as necessary to assure full compliance with applicable laws on any project involving ACM.
- Develop and maintain a central file for records of ACM projects and related jobs where such records shall be retained as required by law.
- Maintain records by location, including - but not limited to:
- Records for all County-owned and leased buildings showing where ACM has been found.
- Records of all ACM projects and related jobs, including results of air sampling.
- Exposure records and reports.
- Medical examination schedules and compliance records in coordination with the County Occupational Health Physician.
- Maintain a technical library of laws, regulations, policies, manuals, guides, and related ACM information.
- Capital Improvement Project Staff
- Staff will have a working knowledge of the existence and implications of ACM in County buildings. The APM will provide assistance as necessary to achieve that end.
- Staff shall work in concert with the APM and facility operations and maintenance managers to develop and maintain a current knowledge of the location of ACM in County buildings.
- Staff shall, in concert with the APM, develop and issue procedures regarding the responsibilities of architects and contractors working on capital projects in County buildings and building equipment which include ACM.
- When a project is known to involve ACM, the Staff shall obtain written concurrence from the APM on design and construction elements pertaining to ACM.
- Direction for contractors encountering ACM in the course of their work shall be included in the specifications of all appropriate contracts. In general, where ACM is detected during the course of project performance by construction project managers or their contractors, such discovery shall be immediately communicated to the APM. Upon such discovery, all work which may be affected by ACM shall be stopped. Work shall not be resumed until approval is provided by the APM or other competent authority.
- Projects in which it is expected that ACM will be encountered shall include estimates of the time and cost for all ACM related work. A copy of the plans and specifications for these projects shall be provided to the APM.
- Project Management
- All construction project managers shall have a working knowledge of the existence and implications of ACM in County buildings.
- Personnel doing project management shall provide notice to the APM when they have projects involving ACM or when ACM is suspected on one of their projects. When a project involves ACM, or ACM is detected on a project, work on site shall not proceed until the APM has been notified, survey and assessments are made, and the APM authorizes work to proceed. Project management personnel shall serve on survey and assessment teams as required by the APM.
- The policies, procedures, and contract terms and conditions for ACM capital projects, developed by the APM shall be used, as applicable, on all capital projects.
- Pending the development of more definitive guidelines by the APM, personnel in this section engaged in the contracting process shall consult the APM on each project before inviting bids. All projects involving ACM shall be approved by the APM at each step of contract development, conduct of work, and prior to final acceptance.
- An ACM survey shall be performed as necessary on all capital projects involving existing buildings. Surveys and required assessments shall be scheduled and coordinated by the APM upon written request from the project manager. The APM will provide copies of the survey results, assessments, and recommendations to the project manager on a priority basis to avoid delays to the project.
- The project manager shall establish specific procedures to assure that any records of projects involving ACM are reviewed and approved by the APM before the project is completed and filed.
- Operations and Maintenance Staff
- All employees in designated positions shall be provided with training materials and safety instructions regarding recognition and control of ACM, according to their responsibilities. No such employee shall work in areas which are expected to exceed exposure limits without first receiving ACM training, including usage of the approved respirator.
- Periodic refresher training shall be provided by the APM for persons who have had ACM recognition and control training, per Title VIII of the California Administrative Code. Recognition and control training shall be provided for all new employees in designated positions.
- Employees are not expected to handle asbestos except in emergencies. In the event such emergency exists, all such handling shall be done in the presence of an individual certified in supervising ACM projects. Pending issuance of an ACM O&M reference guide, employees shall follow the policies and procedures and guidelines which may be issued by the APM or facilities operations supervisory personnel.
- Employees shall have reports available for reference which show where ACM is located in County buildings. Any discovery of ACM shall be reported immediately to the APM, according to the responsible Department's policy.
- Every employee who is involved with an ACM work situation shall prepare a written report of such situation within 24 hours and send it to the APM. All employees who may have an ACM work exposure shall have baseline and periodic medical examinations as arranged by their Department through Health Services.
- Property Acquisition
Prior to the acquisition of any interest in real property improvements, the responsible department shall assure that the improvement has been surveyed for ACM. The request for survey, with building floor plan attached, shall be made in writing to the APM. The APM shall arrange for the accomplishment of the survey and submittal of results to the responsible department.
- County Counsel
County Counsel, in concert with the APM and Risk Management, shall prepare standard clauses for use in all applicable capital improvement projects or real estate agreements which shall be designed to:
- recognize the existence or potential existence of ACM;
- minimize the County's potential liability and potential cost of control.