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Topic:   EVACUATION CHAIRS                  Date Issued:  August 19, 1994


Number:  XX.16.B.





To provide for evacuation from multiple story buildings of disabled employ-

ees or the public.




The County provides evacuation chairs in buildings with multiple stories to

provide for evacuation of employees and the public.  The Government Center

has the Evacu-Trac model on each floor.  Operational procedures for the

site model are described on the following page. It is suggested that Evacu-

ation Floor Coordinators make a copy of the operating procedure and have it

readily available for in time of use.


              Evacu-Trac Operating Instructions



SET-UP AND LOADING- Remove from storage cabinet.


     1.   Grasp and lift Handle. When it is upright, lift the Leg Support

          pad while pushing outward on the handle.


     2.   Ensure Evacu-Trac is locked open.


     3.   Lower the Kick-stand and transfer the rider.


     4.   Fasten the Safety Straps. If you cannot be certain that the rid-

          er's arms will remain in his or her lap, the arms should be

          wrapped inside the upper Safety Strap.


     5.   Raise the Kick-stand.


Keep both hands on the Handle when the Kick-stand is raised, since the

weight of the passenger is balanced over the rear Auxiliary Wheels.




     1.   To turn on a flat surface, press down on the Handle and pivot

          Evacu-Trac on the rear Auxiliary Wheels.



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     2.   Approach the stairs at a right angle (90 degrees), with the pas-

          senger facing toward the stairs. Operating Evacu-Trac near the

          inner core of a stairway will keep the stairway clear for pedes-

          trians, facilitate turning corners at landings, and provide the

          rider with an added feeling of comfort.


     3.   Push Evacu-Trac forward until the front Auxiliary Wheels drop off

          the top step. At this point Evacu-Trac will stop. Lift the Handle

          and incline Evacu-Trac forward.


     4.   To descent the stairs, grasp the Brake Lever. Descent speed can

          be reduced by "feathering" or using very light pressure when

          grasping the Brake Lever.


     5.   To stop on the stairs, release the Brake Lever.


     6.   When approaching the base of the stairs press the Handle down,

          toward the landing, to move Evacu-Trac onto the flat surface. DO

          NOT attempt to list Evacu-Trac upwards.


     7.   Lower the Kick-stand and remove the rider.


     8.   Unlock the Handle and fold Evacu-Trac closed and replace into the

          storage cabinet.



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