Number: XX.18
Date Issued: May 16, 1996
Date Revised: October 12, 2005


  1. The purpose of this Policy is to:

    1. Promote a safe work environment free from acts and threats of violence by prohibiting such acts or threats by or against County employees or members of the public using County facilities.

    2. Provide guidance and procedures for preventing, identifying, reporting, investigating, and resolving reports and incidents of workplace violence.


Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 3203 of the General Industry Safety Orders.


  1. The County strives to maintain a workplace free of violence and threats to the personal security and property of County employees and members of the public. Threats or acts of violence by or against any person at County facilities or on County business are strictly prohibited; this constitutes a zero tolerance policy.

  2. Members of the public and all employees are strictly prohibited from possessing firearms, ammunition, or hazardous materials, or using any object in a manner that constitutes a danger to others in the work environment, while on County business or at County facilities. This prohibition does not apply to County employees who must carry such items as a part of their job duties or members of the public legally authorized to carry such items.

  3. The County will work actively to prevent violence and threats. Preventive measures include training of employees, communication, conflict resolution and the written procedures herein. Supervisors and managers may make County Employee Assistance Program (EAP) referrals if employee behavior or work performance indicates a possible need for outside assistance.

  4. Employees acting in violation of Policy provisions may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination, in accordance with County Civil Service Commission rules, personnel regulations, and policies. As with other threats and acts of violence, criminal prosecution may also be pursued. Members of the public acting in violation of this Policy will be reported to local law enforcement and subject to immediate removal from the County facility and possible legal action.


This Policy covers violent acts and direct and indirect threats of violence by or against any person at County facilities or on County business.


  1. County Facilities: Any building or property owned, leased, or rented by the County where County business is conducted, including County facility parking lots.

  2. County Business: Any activities performed by County employees in the course of work, arising out of work duties and including but not limited to:

    1. Activities that are the function of County departments or are listed in a County job description.

    2. Activities performed away from County facilities, while using County or personal vehicles, or traveling to remote work sites, attending training or meetings or for other employment-related activities.

    3. Activities at any County facility by employees on off-hours. Off work, off-premise, but work-related interactions between County employees are also considered County business for the purpose of this policy.

  3. Workplace Violence: For the purposes of this policy, workplace violence includes but is not limited to any verbal threat, threatening behavior, or physical assault occurring in or arising from the workplace, including but not limited to:

    1. Threatening statements or gestures, including threats to return to a County facility in order to harm a person or persons;

    2. Brandishing of weapons of any kind or threatening to bring weapons to the workplace;

    3. Use of tools, hazardous materials or other objects as weapons or in a threatening or dangerous manner with intent to cause harm or property damage;

    4. Deliberate, destructive acts that result in damage to County property;

    5. Acts that do not cause immediate harm to persons or property but still appear to pose a threat;

    6. Verbal or written statements discussing violent acts;

    7. Assault (unlawful attempt or threat to do physical injury to another); and

    8. Battery (unlawful beating of a person).

  4. Workplace Response Team: The Workplace Response Team comprises the County Safety Officer and representatives from Personnel, County Counsel, the County Administrative Office and the affected department. The Team serves to investigate and resolve reports of serious incidents in the scope of this policy.



  2. Employees who have witnessed or experienced a violent act or threat that poses an imminent danger to an employee or employees must immediately:

    1. Alert others nearby. Go to a safe location.

    2. Notify local law enforcement. On County phones, dial 9 to get an outside line, and then dial 9-1-1. On outside phones, dial 9-1-1.

    3. Inform a supervisor or manager as soon as possible to assess the situation.


    1. Assess the situation. If there has been a violent act or a violent act is in progress, immediately follow steps IA and IB above.

    2. If there has not been a violent act, but a person has engaged in threatening behavior in the scope of this Policy, ask the person to leave the facility immediately.


  5. Employees and supervisors must follow these procedures when:

    1. Employee Procedure

      1. When a threat or violent act occurs, immediately report the incident to your supervisor.
        Use Appendix A, Incident Report Form, to report incidents or concerns.

      2. If there is a restraining order applicable to one or more of the persons involved in the incident, submit a copy of the order and proof of service to the supervisor, as soon as possible after receiving it.

    2. Supervisor Procedure

      1. Document the report, and

      2. Forward the report to the department head, within one day of receiving it.

    3. Department Head Procedure

      1. Review and forward the report to the County Safety Officer same day as it is received. A phone call to the County Safety Officer is recommended, followed by the written Incident Report.

    4. County Safety Officer Procedure

      1. Discuss the report with the Deputy Director of General Services and the Risk Manager (Personnel Department). If the incident is deemed non-serious during this discussion, complete the investigation and communicate the findings to the department head.

      2. If the incident is deemed serious, the Workplace Response Team will begin an investigation.


    1. Workplace Response Team Procedures

    2. The Workplace Response Team will evaluate all serious incident reports. As soon as possible after being contacted by the County Safety Officer to discuss a serious incident, the Workplace Response Team will:

      1. Meet to begin evaluation of the reported incident and to assign tasks internally.

      2. Evaluate all written reports and incident documentation.

      3. Interview affected employees. The affected employees and witnesses shall make themselves available for interviews regarding the incident. Information gathered by interviews shall be available to others on a need-to-know basis. Interview members of the public as needed and as available.

      4. Walk through affected work area as soon as possible after the incident, if necessary. This may not be required if the incident only involved an exchange of threatening words.

      5. Meet at least one more time to evaluate all the findings of the investigation.

      6. Write a report containing an evaluation and any recommendations. This report should contain:

        1. A description of the incident
        2. A list of participants and witnesses
        3. Findings
        4. Recommendations
        5. Documentation

      7. Submit a written report to the CAO and the affected department head.

      8. Work with the department head or delegate in the affected department to implement recommendations and corrective actions. If the corrective actions are deemed infeasible by the department head, he or she will discuss alternatives with the Workplace Response Team or the County Safety Officer. The department head will implement the agreed alternative actions.

      9. Report to the County Safety Officer when all recommendations have been implemented. The County Safety Officer will advise the CAO when the recommendations have been implemented.


  1. The goal of training is to reduce or eliminate workplace violence risks. Trained employees should be able to demonstrate:

    1. The ability to follow the procedures in this Policy quickly and completely.

    2. Their understanding of the elements in this Policy.

  2. The County will provide employee information, training, and opportunities for discussion on this topic by multiple means, including but not limited to:

    1. New Employee Orientation

    2. Leadership Academy

    3. Departmental Safety Representatives

    4. Employee Safety Suggestions (see IIPP Section 2005)

    5. Labor/Management Safety Committee

    6. Departmental Safety Meetings – by department request

    7. Training Task Force – per the applicable Memoranda of Understanding

    8. Workplace Response Team Training – Specialized training, coordinated by the Safety Officer may be offered to team members, as needs arise.


Department heads will ensure that copies of all records related to activities under this Policy are forwarded to the County Safety Officer. These records will be kept by the County Safety Officer in the files of the Risk Management Division of the Personnel Department, according to the regulatory limits, if any. Records older than three years may be located in archival storage.


The County Administrative Officer (CAO), the department heads, the departmental safety representatives, the County Safety Officer, the Workplace Response Team, and all County employees share the responsibility for compliance with this Policy.

  1. The County Administrative Officer is responsible for policy development, interpretation, and implementation.

  2. The County Safety Officer is delegated by the County Administrative Officer to administer this policy and is responsible for implementing all Policy elements. The Safety Officer is responsible for posting this Policy and any related procedures on the County Intranet, and for posting information regarding this Policy on the County website.

  3. Department Heads, Departmental Safety Representatives, Employees, Supervisors, Managers, and the Workplace Response Team are responsible for complying with this Policy and following all procedures herein.

  4. Local law enforcement agencies are responsible for responding to 9-1-1 calls or other requests for assistance involving violent acts, threats, or apparent violations of the law at County facilities.


Susan A. Mauriello, County Administrative Officer
County of Santa Cruz
701 Ocean Street, Room 520
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 454-2100

Josh Reilly, Safety Officer
General Services Department
County of Santa Cruz
701 Ocean Street, Room 330
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 454-4820