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Topic:    WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROCEDURES  Date Issued:  Nov. 15, 1990

Section:  WORKERS' COMPENSATION             Date Revised:  May 9, 1995

Number:   XXI.1.





To describe the procedural requirements for the management of the Workers'

Compensation program.





Workers' Compensation, a State-mandated program affecting every California

employer, provides statutory financial benefits to any County employee who

is injured or becomes ill due to an incident arising out of and in the

course of employment.





Santa Cruz County is self-insured for Workers' Compensation for the first

$250,000 of any occurrence.  Santa Cruz County contracts with Claims Man-

agement, Inc. for the administration of Workers' Compensation claims.  All

claims costs within the self-insured retention (S.I.R.) amount are paid by

the County.  Excess Insurance above the S.I.R. is obtained through the

County Supervisors Association of California Excess Insurance Authority








     A.    Medical Care


     County employees will receive all medical treatment necessary to cure

     or relieve the effects of a work-caused injury or illness.  This in-

     cludes all reasonable and necessary related physician's services,

     hospitalization, laboratory studies and other appropriate care.  These

     are paid directly by the County through the claims administrator as a

     Workers' Compensation benefit.





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B.    Temporary Disability


     Employees who cannot work due to work-related injuries or illness,

     when the loss of time is confirmed by the treating physician, are

     eligible for temporary disability benefits.


          1.   Employees will not be paid for the first three days of

               disability, following the day of injury, unless:


               a.   they remain off work more than fourteen days, or

               b.   they are hospitalized overnight, or

               c.   they work less than a full day on the date they are



          2.   Payment continues until the treating physician releases the

               employee to return to work.  The weekly rate for temporary

               disability payments is based on two-thirds of employee's

               gross weekly wages to a pre-determined maximum payment set

               by State law.


               Note:  Lost time payments for Safety members of PERS and of

               employees in the Detention Officer class series differ from

               the above.  See Section V.C. of these procedures.


     C.   Cal/OSHA Reporting Requirements


          Risk Management must report every employee death occurring at

          work or in connection with work to the California Division of

          Industrial Safety (D.I.S.) within 24 hours.  Additionally, D.I.S.

          must be notified of any work-related injury or illness which

          "...requires inpatient hospitalization for a period in excess of

          24 hours for other than medical observation, in which an employee

          suffers loss of any member of the body or any serious degree of

          permanent disfigurement".


          In order to meet this legal requirement, departments must notify

          Risk Management immediately of any such occurrence.  (See Report-

          ing Procedures II. below)


     D.   Employee Claim Form


          Effective January 1, 1990, an Employee Claim Form for Workers'

          Compensation Benefits must be provided to each employee reporting

          a work-related injury.  The State has established severe penal-

          ties for employers who fail to provide this form to employees on

          a timely basis.  Packets containing the Claim Form, a Supervi-

          sor's Report of Accident Form, a double-sided instruction sheet

          with a "Proof of Service by Mail" Form on the reverse, "Facts for

          Injured Workers" leaflet and Physician's Certification form

          (PER1081A) have been distributed to all supervisors, managers,

          and payroll clerks.



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     A.   When an employee reports a work-related injury or illness, the

          supervisor or other departmental representative should immediate-

          ly  complete the Employer section of the Employee Claim form

          (leaving line 13. blank) and give it to the employee.  The em-

          ployee will complete the top portion and return it.  The supervi-

          sor should then fill in the date received on line 13., detach the

          employee (green) copy and give it to the employee, together with

          the "Facts" leaflet.  The bottom (goldenrod) copy should be re-

          tained for the supervisor's records. (See G. 1-4 of this Section

          for further processing procedures.)


     B.   If the employee requires emergency medical attention, it should

          be provided immediately, and the Claim form processed afterward,

          no later than one working day after the injury.


     C.   In case of serious injuries, if the employee is not available to

          complete the Claim form within one working day, the supervisor or

          departmental representative should fill in the Employer section

          (leaving line 13. blank), complete the "Proof of Service by Mail"

          section on the reverse of the Claim form instruction sheet, and

          mail the 5-part form, the "Facts" leaflet and the Physician's

          Certification form (PER1081A) to the employee's home address.

          The "Proof of Service" form should be hand-delivered to the de-

          partmental payroll clerk.


     D.   On the day that the department learns of the injury, the supervi-

          sor or other departmental representative should call Risk Manage-

          ment at 454-2240 and state he/she is reporting a Workers' Compen-

          sation injury.  The following information should be given:


          1.   name, department and phone number of the reporting party

          2.   injured worker's name

          3.   date injury occurred

          4.   brief description of injury (example - cut finger, left


          5.   Did employee get medical attention? (name of doctor or

               clinic, if known)

          6.   Will worker be disabled beyond the date of injury? (if


          7.   Was Claim form filled out by worker and returned? (or was it

               mailed to the worker?)


     E.   If the injury occurs outside of regular business hours, a message

          containing the above information should be left in phone mail on

          the 454-2240 line, which has been forwarded to the Personnel

          Department phone mailbox.


     F.   For fatalities occurring at work or serious work-related injuries

          occurring outside of regular working hours, the supervisor or



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          other departmental representative should call Cal/OSHA at (408)

          452-7288 to report the death or injury and give pertinent de-

          tails.  This should be done as soon as possible after medical

          attention has been arranged.  (A serious injury or illness is one

          which requires hospitalization for more than 24 hours for other

          than medical observation, or in which a part of the body is lost

          or permanent disfigurement occurs).  Risk Management should then

          be contacted immediately at 454-2240 and a message left in phone

          mail. A follow-up call should be made on the next business day.


     G.   The following are reporting procedures to be followed in four

          different situations:


          1.   Death of an Employee While at Work


               a.   If death occurs in a County office or surrounding area,

                    those first aware of the incident should attempt to

                    preserve any related evidence at the scene.  The names

                    and addresses of all possible witnesses should be gath-



               b.   Notify Risk Management immediately of the death, giving

                    as may details as are known at the time regarding cir-

                    cumstances leading to/resulting in the death.


               c.   The employee's supervisor shall conduct a thorough

                    investigation of the facts of the incident.  If there

                    is a question about whether the death was caused by

                    work, the supervisor should confer with Risk Management

                    prior to completing Workers' Compensation paperwork.


               d.   If the death appears to be work-related, the employee's

                    supervisor or acting supervisor must complete a Super-

                    visor's Report of Accident, mail the Claim form to the

                    employee's home address, complete the "Proof of Service

                    by Mail" form and hand-carry both forms to the depart-

                    mental payroll clerk who should immediately type the

                    Employer's Report of Occupational Injury/Illness and

                    forward to Risk Management by messenger.  The payroll

                    clerk should make a copy of the "Proof of Service" for

                    the department's records, log the injury in the Claim

                    form Log, and deliver the original to Risk Management.


               e.   Any facts that may establish that another person or

                    agency may have directly or indirectly caused the em-

                    ployee's death should be attached to the Employer's

                    Report so that third party liability, if any, may be



               f.   If there is any question whether the death is work-

                    related, this should be noted in a statement attached

                    to the Employer's Report along with supporting details.



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          2.   Injury/Illness Requiring Emergency Medical Care


               Emergency Medical Care applies to injury/illness which is

               considered to be potentially life threatening or of such a

               traumatic nature as to likely result in undesirable conse-

               quences if medical care is not immediate.


               a.   In these cases, obtaining immediate medical treatment

                    is the only initial consideration.  Employees aware of

                    such injury/illness of another employee should obtain

                    emergency medical care, and then notify their depart-

                    ment as soon as possible.  If the injury is life

                    threatening, the employee should be transported to the

                    emergency room of the nearest hospital.  For non-life

                    threatening injuries (such as serious cuts, fractures,

                    sprains), the employee should proceed to the nearest

                    emergency medical clinic.  The supervisor should call

                    the medical facility to authorize treatment.


               b.   The employee's supervisor must notify Risk Management

                    as soon as possible and follow up as appropriate to

                    monitor the status of the employee.  The supervisor

                    shall take the following actions within 24 hours of the



                    1.   conduct a through investigation of the facts of

                         the incident;


                    2.   mail the Claim form, along with the "Facts for

                         Injured Workers" leaflet and the Physician's Cer-

                         tification form (PER1081A), to employee's home

                         address and complete the "Proof of Service by

                         Mail" form;


                    3.   complete the Supervisor's Report of Accident,

                         attach the "Proof of Service" form and refer both

                         forms to the department's payroll clerk to type

                         the Employer's Report of Occupational Injury/Ill-



                    4.   attach to the Supervisor's Report any facts that

                         may establish that another person or agency may

                         have directly or indirectly caused or contributed

                         to the injury/illness;


                    5.   if there is any question whether the injury/

                         illness is work-related, this should be noted in a

                         statement attached to the Supervisor's Report

                         along with supporting details.


               c.   The payroll clerk should refer the typed Employer's



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                    Report to the appropriate division head or department

                    manager, together with any attachments, for review and

                    signature.  The payroll clerk should log the injury in

                    the Claim form Log and then forward the forms to Risk

                    Management by messenger, within 48 hours of the employ-

                    ee's initial report.  This time frame is necessary

                    because State Law requires that reports be filed with

                    the County's claims administrator (located in Sacramen-

                    to) within five days of the employee's initial report.

                    (The bottom copy of the Supervisor's Report and Employ-

                    er's Report and a photocopy of the "Proof of Service"

                    should be retained for departmental records.)


          3.   Injury/Illness with Non-Emergency Treatment by a Physician


               a.   The employee must report the injury/illness to his/her

                    supervisor as soon as possible to insure supervisor

                    awareness and documentation of the incident.  If the

                    employee's own supervisor is unavailable, the employee

                    must report to another supervisor.


               b.   Upon notification by the employee, the supervisor

                    should follow procedures on completing the Employee

                    Claim form outlined at the beginning of this section,

                    and then refer the employee to the nearest emergency

                    medical clinic, along with a blank Physician's Certifi-

                    cation form (PER1081A).  (Employees who have previously

                    provided Risk Management with a written request to use

                    their own family doctor may do so.)  The supervisor

                    should call the emergency medical clinic to authorize



               c.   The employee shall have the physician complete the

                    Physician's Certification form (PER1081A) and return it

                    to his/her supervisor as soon as possible after receiv-

                    ing medical attention.


               d.   If the employee is unable to return to work, he/she

                    should obtain a disability statement from the physician

                    before leaving the doctor's office, and promptly mail

                    it (or otherwise see it is returned) to his/her super-

                    visor.  The employee should call the supervisor immedi-

                    ately to notify them of the disability period and when

                    the physician expects the employee will be able to

                    return to work.


               e.   The employee's supervisor shall complete a Supervisor's

                    Report of Accident within 24 hours, attach the copies

                    of the Claim form and deliver the forms to the depart-

                    ment's payroll clerk to follow procedures outlined in

                    Section G.2.c. above.




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               f.   Attach to Employer's Report any facts that may estab-

                    lish that another person or agency may have directly or

                    indirectly caused or contributed to the injury/illness.


               g.   If there is any question whether the injury/illness is

                    work-related, this should be noted in a statement at-

                    tached to the Employer's Report along with supporting



          4.   Injury/Illness Not Requiring Treatment by a Physician


               The employee must report the injury/illness to his/her su-

               pervisor the same day of the occurrence to insure supervisor

               awareness of the incident.   The supervisor should complete

               a Supervisor's Report of Accident and follow procedures for

               filling out Claim form within one working day.  The supervi-

               sor should note in the comments section "no lost time, no

               medical treatment".  The forms should be referred to the

               department's payroll clerk, who will note the injury in the

               Claim form log, keep appropriate copies and forward the

               white original Supervisor's Report and white and canary

               copies of the Claim form to Risk Management.  No Employer's

               Report is needed for this type of work injury.


     H.   It is important that injuries not requiring a physician's treat-

          ment be reported so that the supervisor can ascertain the cause

          and take action to eliminate hazards that could cause more seri-

          ous incidents.  It is also important to document the injury/ill-

          ness so if related complications develop later, there will be no

          dispute as to the cause.




     A.   The employee's supervisor shall notify Risk Management the same

          day he/she becomes aware the employee will not be returning to

          work.  If the employee's supervisor is not available, the acting

          supervisor should make notification.


     B.   The employee's supervisor shall contact the employee within 24

          hours of first knowledge that the employee is off work and on a

          periodic basis as appropriate thereafter.  The department should

          inquire about the employee's health, adequacy of medical care and

          prospective return to work date to let the employee know the

          department is concerned and cares about him/her.


     C.   Risk Management should be kept informed of any changes in the

          employee's off work status and of any significant employee con-

          cerns that have been expressed during the periodic department



     D.   The employee's departmental payroll clerk must submit a time card

          for the employee no later that 10 a.m. Thursday of the week each



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          pay period ends.  The payroll clerk shall attach a note listing

          all the employee's accrued leave balances (annual leave, vaca-

          tion, sick leave, comp time).


     E.   It is the department's responsibility to see that any period of

          disability is documented by a Physician's Certification form

          (PER1081A) completed and signed by the treating physician.  Cop-

          ies of all disability statements should be forwarded to Risk

          Management immediately upon receipt.


     F.   Risk Management will remind the payroll clerk when an injured

          employee is close to reaching 160 consecutive hours of leave

          without pay due to a work-related injury or illness.  It is the

          department's responsibility to coordinate with the injured em-

          ployee for the completion of appropriate forms and preparation of

          paperwork to place employee on Leave of Absence.  (See Personnel

          Administrative Manual Section XIII.2. Medical Leaves of Absence

          Without Pay.)




     When an employee who has been off work in connection with a work-re-

     lated injury or illness returns to work, the procedures outlined in

     the Personnel Administrative Manual Section XIII.2. dealing with Re-

     turn from Leave of Absence Without Pay for Medical Reasons should be

     followed.  In addition, the following items should be addressed:


     A.   The employee's supervisor must notify Risk Management by phone or

          in person, the same day an employee returns to work.  Risk Man-

          agement must also be informed of any work restrictions.


     B.   The employee must have a Physician's Certification form

          (PER1081A) signed by a State licensed physician releasing the

          employee to return to work.  The Physician's Certification form

          (PER1081A) must indicate any work restrictions, specifying their



     C.   The department must insure that all specific restrictions are

          understood by the employee and his/her supervisor(s).  The em-

          ployee and his/her supervisor(s) are responsible for insuring

          that all specific work restrictions are adhered to.


     D.   After initial return to work, should the employee again take time

          off related to the original injury/illness, the supervisor will

          notify Risk Management the same day by phone or in person.  Risk

          Management and/or the Workers' Compensation claims administrator

          will work with the department in each case to determine what

          course of action should be followed.




     A.   Medical Bills



WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROCEDURES                          Page 9 of 12


          All employee medical bills resulting from a work-related injury/

          illness should be submitted directly to the County's claims ad-

          ministrator, Claims Management, Inc., P.O. Box 3042, Sacramento,

          CA 95812-3042, Attn: Santa Cruz County Claims Examiner.


          Medical bills (including related prescriptions) are paid directly

          by the claims administrator.  It should be noted that payment of

          medical bills will be delayed until after receipt of both the

          physician's report and the Employer's Report of Occupational

          Injury/Illness by the claims administrator.


     B.   Temporary Disability


          Workers' Compensation payments for temporary disability will be

          paid directly by the claims administrator.   These may be supple-

          mented by use of accrued leave paid by the County Auditor-Con-

          troller.  In no event will the combined temporary disability and

          accrued leave payments exceed the employee's full regular salary.

          This section does not apply to Safety members of PERS or to em-

          ployees in the Detention Officer class series.


     C.   Labor Code Section 4850 Paid Leave


          This section applies only to the following groups:


          1.   P.E.R.S. Safety Member Classes:


               District Attorney Inspector II/I

               Chief District Attorney Inspector

               Deputy Sheriff

               Sheriff's Sergeant

               Sheriff's Lieutenant

               Sheriff's Chief Deputy

               Sheriff - Coroner


          2.   Detention Officer Classes:


               Sheriff's Detention Officer

               Supervising Detention Officer

               Detention Sergeant


          When an employee in one of the above classes is disabled, whether

          temporarily or  permanently, by an injury or illness arising out

          of and in the course of his/her duties, that person shall be

          entitled, regardless of his/her period of service with the Coun-

          ty, to leave of absence while so disabled without loss of salary,

          in lieu of temporary disability payments, for the period of such

          disability but not exceeding one year, or until such earlier date

          as he/she is retired on permanent disability pension.





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     A.   Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Benefits,

          Supervisors' Report of Accident and Employer's Report of Occupa-

          tional Injury/Illness  (See end of this section for samples of

          these forms.)


          1.   Timetable for Submission of Forms to Risk Management


               a.   Within 48 hours of a report of a serious injury/illness

                    requiring emergency medical treatment;


               b.   Within 48 hours after the employee report of

                    injury/illness, for other types of injuries.


          2.   Completion of Report Forms


               a.   The Employer section of the Employee Claim Form must be

                    completed by the employee's supervisor, and given to

                    the employee to complete the top portion.  (See begin-

                    ning of II of this procedure for full description of

                    claim form procedure.)


               b.   The Supervisor's Report of Accident must be completed

                    by the employee's supervisor (not the employee).  The

                    report should be completed using information provided

                    by the employee.


               c.   A supplemental statement must be attached to the Super-

                    visor's Report if circumstances indicate that another

                    person or agency may have directly or indirectly caused

                    or contributed to the injury/illness, or if it is ques-

                    tionable whether the injury/illness is work-related.


               d.   The Supervisor's Report and copies of Employee Claim

                    form or "Proof of Service by Mail" are then given to

                    the departmental payroll clerk, who types the Employ-

                    er's Report of Occupational Injury/Illness from the

                    information contained on the Supervisor's Report.  The

                    payroll clerk then logs the injury in the Claim form

                    log and submits the forms, together with any attach-

                    ment, to the appropriate division head or the depart-

                    ment manager, who reviews the material and signs in

                    signature box on the Employer's Report.


          3.   Distribution of Report Forms


               Distribution of the forms should be as follows:


               a.   Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Benefits

                    (after employee completes and returns it)



WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROCEDURES                          Page 11 of 12


                    1.   Two copies (white and canary) to Risk Manage-

                         ment attached to Supervisor's Report (and Employ-

                         er's Report if medical treatment was received or

                         work time lost beyond date of injury).


                    2.   Photocopy to department payroll clerk to log in

                         Claim Form Log and place in employee's departmen-

                         tal file.


                    3.   Green copy to employee


                    4.   Goldenrod copy retained by supervisor.


               b.   Supervisor's Report of Accident


                    1.   Top two copies (white and yellow) to Risk Manage-

                         ment, attached to Employer's Report if medical

                         treatment was received or work time lost beyond

                         the date of injury.


                    2.   Pink copy to the department payroll clerk to place

                         in employee's departmental file.


                    3.   Goldenrod copy retained by the supervisor.


               c.   Employer's Report of Occupational Injury/Illness:


                    1.   Top three copies sent to Risk Management;


                    2.   Bottom copy to be filed in employee's department



          4.   Use of the Employer's Report Forms


               The Employer's Report of Occupational Injury/Illness forms

               are used:


               a.   to document an employee's claim to an occupational



               b.   to document the nature and circumstances of the injury

                    or illness;


               c.   as the source of information needed to complete the

                    Cal/OSHA No. 200 Log and Summary of Occupational Inju-

                    ries and Illnesses.  See Section XX.12. for procedures

                    relating to this Log.


     B.   Risk Management sends the original and one copy to the County's

          Workers' Compensation claims administrator for review and appro-

          priate action.  California State law requires that the claims



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          administrator must submit the report to the California Division

          of Industrial Accidents within five days of the employee's report

          to his/her supervisor.  To accomplish this, the Employer's Report

          of Occupational Injury/Illness must be received by Risk Manage-

          ment not later than 48 hours after the employee's initial report.


     C.   If an injury or illness is potentially life threatening or causes

          death, it must be reported initially by telephone to Risk Manage-

          ment as soon as possible.



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