I.    General Objectives


The general objectives of the County’s Fuel Efficiency Policy include:        


A.                 Reduction of air pollution and excessive gasoline and diesel consumption by vehicles that are not fuel-efficient.

B.                 Reduction of taxpayer dollars wasted on gasoline and diesel purchases for vehicles that are not fuel-efficient.

C.                Reduction of taxpayer dollars that County spends on Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) and other inefficient vehicles, where other less expensive vehicles are appropriate.


Many local and state governments have identified the acquisition of SUVs and other fuel inefficient vehicles as unnecessary and problematic to the objectives of acquiring and maintaining an appropriate fleet for public sector operations and services. To this purpose, the County is committed to maximizing its efforts in the procurement and maintenance of a vehicle fleet for its user departments that meets not only operational requirements, but also the environmental and fiscal objectives listed above.


All newly assigned and replacement vehicle purchases shall be fuel efficient, environmentally friendly “green vehicles” unless otherwise approved by the County Administrative Office. Green vehicles include: electric, hybrid electric/gasoline, flex fuel such as gasoline/ethanol, or any other alternatively fueled and powered vehicle designed to normally operate with zero or minimal environmental impacts.




II.                   County Vehicle Fleet Fuel Efficiency


All General Services and Public Works fleet vehicles purchased as replacements or as additions to the County Vehicle Fleet shall be fuel efficient, environmentally friendly vehicles as described by California Senate Bill 522 and specified by the California Department of General Services Procurement Office. Vehicle acquisitions that vary from these specifications, especially for fuel inefficient SUV type vehicles, shall be by discretionary approval of the County Administrative Officer.


A.                 To request discretionary approval from the County Administrative Office for a policy exception, a department must demonstrate that they have operational requirements that are specific and quantifiable, that preclude the use of those vehicles described as fuel efficient and environmentally friendly under this policy. Departments seeking such discretionary approval from the CAO must submit detailed, written requests explaining their needs and rationale (e.g. first line law enforcement or public safety emergency response, detailed description of vehicle’s service purpose, percentage of time when four wheel drive is necessary, readiness to serve in specific type of response, other).