- Application for Authorization to Film


 - Authorization to Film



A.        General


Parties interested in using facilities owned and/or operated by the County and County-owned property, including County roads in the unincorporated area, must first obtain an Authorization to Film from the County Administrative Officer.


B.        Conditions


1.         Standard conditions are listed on the Application for Authorization to Film instructions and Standard Conditions form following.


2.         Other conditions may be added or standard conditions waived, as deemed appropriate by the County Administrative Officer.


3.         Applicants are required to pay all costs associated with using County property and facilities, including usual fees for use of facilities, and costs associated with staff time provided.


C.        Procedures


1.                  The applicant will submit an application for authorization to film to the County Administrative Officer (CAO).


2.                  The CAO will advise the applicant as to which services are required and whether the application can be approved by the CAO or requires approval by the Board of Supervisors.  Board approval is required for closure of County roads for periods of more than five minutes at one time.


3.                  The applicant will make arrangements with affected departments for use of the departmentls facilities and staff.  The decision of whether to allow use of any facility or staff time is at the discretion of the department head.  The department will inform the CAO of the arrangements made with the film company, including staff time required.


4.                  After department head approval, the CAO will calculate the costs associated with staff time required for use of County facilities and issuance of the authorization to film.  The applicant will submit a deposit to the CAO in the amount of the estimated costs at the time the authorization to film is issued, and the applicant will be billed for the actual costs upon completion of filming.


5.                  The applicant is responsible for obtaining all permits required from County departments and paying the fees associated with those permits.










1.                  This application pertains only to the use of facilities owned and/or operated by the County of Santa Cruz and County-owned property.  If private, city, state, federal, or special district property is to be used, arrangements for use should be made with the property owner.


2.                  Parties interested in filming in the unincorporated area of Santa Cruz County should first review these instructions and standard conditions.


3.                  The next step is to complete an application form and submit it to the County Administrative Office, 701 Ocean Street, Room 520, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.  The application will be reviewed and you will be advised as to which services are required and whether the application can be approved by the County Administrative Officer or requires approval by the Board of Supervisors.


Please submit the application form as far in advance as possible, as it must be routed to all County departments that may be affected by the filming.  We should have at least two weeks to process an application.


4.                  You will be issued a form titled ?Authorization to Film in Santa Cruz County  This form must be kept on location at all times.




1.                  Use of County Equipment or personnel must be approved by the department head for the applicable department.


2.         Closing County roads to vehicular traffic requires approval from the Department of Public Works, and may require Board of Supervisorsl approval.  The applicant is to make a reasonable attempt to notify residents located within a two-block radius of the street(s) to be closed, at least five days prior to closure.


3.         Filming at County facilities should take place outside of normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday) to avoid disrupting County business.  If you must use the facility during business hours, please indicate this on the application.


4.         Filming must be completed by 10:00 p.m. unless special approval is granted by the County Administrative Officer.


5.                  The applicant is responsible for collecting and disposing of any refuse or debris resulting from his/her activities and for restoring public property to its original condition.


6.                  The applicant must meet the following insurance requirements:


E        The applicant shall exonerate, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County, including its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, for any and all liability arising out of sole negligence of the County.


E        The applicant shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance coverage in the minimum amount of $1 million.  This insurance shall name the County of Santa Cruz as an additional insured, and the applicant must provide the County a copy of the policy stating the name and address of the insurance agent prior to commencing filming.


7.                  Prior permission must be obtained to film anything identifying the County, e.g., vehicles with the County seal or employees in uniform.


8.                  The applicant must pay all costs associated with services provided by the County.  A deposit will be required in the amount of the estimated costs upon issuance of the authorization to film, and the applicant will be billed for actual costs incurred on completion of filming.