1.  The Duplicating Division of Information Services was established to provide printing and duplicating services to all County Departments and agencies.  Services provided include: offset printing; rapid copy  (Xerox); collating; and bindery, such as drilling, cutting, padding, stapling and folding.


            2.  The Duplicating Division provides mail service to County departments. This service includes: pickup and delivery of interdepartmental mail and pickup of U.S. mail within the Government Center; metering of U.S. mail for pickup by the U.S. Postal Service; and sorting of interdepartmental mail for pickup by departments or agencies located outside of the Government Center.




            1.    Printing and bindery are to be requested on Internal Requisition-Receipt, Form DUP-02  (1/89). (See Attachment A)


            2.    Rapid Copy (Xerox) orders should be requested on Form DUP-01, a simplified version of the Internal Requisition. Rapid copy requests are made for orders of 500 copies or less per original. (See Attachment B)


            3.   All requisitions must be signed by a person authorized on Form DUP-03, as explained under Title III, Section 100-F (See Attachment C)



            (Attachment A)


            1.    GENERAL INFORMATION


                     This form is to be completed for each order. Do not combine requests. Ordering department retains goldenrod copy, canary copy will be returned to originating department with order.


                  "Shaded areas", "Issued by" section and Duplication Division staff shall fill out “Totals” section only.


                     To inquire about the status of any job, please be prepared to reference the Control Number in the upper right hand corner of the form; this is your identification number.


                   The form is basically divided into five sections as Follows:



                  a) ORIGINATOR

                        Ordering department's information is to be filled out

                        As required. Use "Description" space to give complete

                        Title of form if there is no current forms number.


                  b) JOB


                        Check appropriate boxes for "New Form” or "Revised Form". Use to indicate total number of pages submitted; total number of copies per page and whether form is to be printed on one or two sides. "Turn,” indicates that form is printed back to back (book style);  "Tomble" indicates that form is printed back to back and "flipped" so that the top of one side is the bottom of the reverse side.


                  c)    PAPER


                        Check appropriate box according to type and color of paper needed.


                  d)    ENVELOPES


                        Check appropriate box to indicate size of envelope required and number of boxes required. NOTE: Envelopes are only printed during the first five working days of each month. Orders which are received after the first five working days are accumulated until the next printing period.


                  e)    BINDERY


                           All carbonless (NCR) paper will be padded into individual sets unless otherwise noted under  "Special Instructions".


                           Folding is specified by reference to sample sent with job or by "half", "thirds", etc.


                        Indicating the desired finished dimension in inches shall specify cutting.


                  f)    DISTRIBUTION


                        After completion of the print order, distribution of form is as follows:


                        White: Retained by Information Services, Administration


                        Green: Returned to ordering department with monthly billing


                        Canary: Returned to ordering department with completed order


                        Goldenrod: Retained by ordering department when submitting order





            1.    GENERAL INFORMATION


                     This form may be used to request copies of up to 6 different documents. Goldenrod copy is retained by ordering department.


                     Use DUP-01 to request from 10 through 500 copies per original form. may not be used for carbonless forms, envelopes or  post ca s, which are ordered on a DUP-02 form.


                     Complete all sections of upper portion of form, being sure to include a contact person and telephone number. This is critical for timely processing of requests.


                   The lower portion of the form is used for other requirements such as stapling, drilling, etc. Check appropriate boxes as required. More specific requirements are written under  "Special Instructions".


                     Please be sure to check whether job is to be printed one side only or back, to back.


            2.    DEADLINES


                     Use "Special Instructions" section to indicate a deadline, if any. Indicate both DATE and TIME OF DAY the completed order is required. ordering  department will be notified  of  any deadline that cannot be met.


                   Orders without date and time deadline indicated, will be prioritized by date received. Jobs which say "ASAP" or "HOT" with no date, will be printed in the order they are received.


            3.    DISTRIBUTION


                  After completion of the Rapid work order, distribution of the form is as follows:


                  Pink: Returned to ordering department with completed order


                  Yellow: Returned to ordering department with monthly billing


                  White:  Retained by Information Services, Administration


                  Goldenrod: Retained by ordering department when submitting order





            1.    GENERAL PROVISIONS.


                To provide a means of indicating that Duplicating Services staff have reviewed requests and have concluded that outside service is needed and justified and to provide detailed information on requests to help insure that the needs are properly communicated to the service provider. Documentation of the nature of work sent to outside vendors will also provide the Duplicating Division with the means for periodic analysis of types of work being sent to outside vendors.




                  a.   Fill out work request for services to the Duplicating Division,



                        Questions regarding appropriateness of Duplicating performing the desired services can be directed to staff at 454-2005.


                  b.      If the Duplicating Division is unable to provide the desired service, ordering department must fill out the Request for Printing Services Form  (DUP-04) and provide the department head signature, as well as other pertinent information regarding services desired.


                  c.   Request for Printing Services form will then be brought to the Duplicating Customer Services Staff by the ordering department for signature, thus approving outside printing services for the Purchasing Division.


                  d.      Signed Request Form is taken to the Purchasing Division of General Services for an "R" number or Purchase Order or to the Auditor's Office for petty cash if less than the petty cash limit.


                  e.      Ordering department is responsible for taking orders to outside vendors and makes all arrangements for pickup, delivery and job specifications.


                  f.   Special arrangements will be made for telephone approval for jobs, which must be provided by outside vendors on an ongoing basis to prevent repetition of paperwork for ordering departments.