The following are the procedures for  Basic Rate Third Class Mail  ("Bulk Mail") and (Five Digit) Presort First Class Mail.




      A.    The County  Mail Room  pays an  annual fee  for mail  permits which allow  County departments  to realize  cost savings  on certain large quantity mailings.  Al departments are  encouraged to utilize  bulk mail to  the greatest degree  possible. Cutting mailing costs is an  important  part of keeping  down the cost  of  County government. The County  requires  all departments to use bulk mail procedures for all mailings that are eligible.  The  County Mail Room is  required to hold  up any non-bulk-mail  mailing that  appears to  be eligible  for bulk mail.


      B.    The County Mail  Room will promptly  contact the  originating department regarding any non-bulk-mail mailing that has  been held up.  The Mail Room  will discuss the eligibility of  the mailing for bulk  mail and assist  in determining the  actual eligibility.  Mailings that are  eligible for bulk mail  will be returned to the originating department for proper preparation and processing.


      C.    There are guidelines which the Post Office sets up for  mailers to insure that the  mailing fits their criteria for  cost savings.  The Mail Room also has guidelines which must be met in order to  process these  special category  mailings.   The Post Office and  Mail Room guidelines  are detailed below  in Section III of this procedure.




      A.    Third Class Basic Rate - "Bulk Mail"


Domestic mail with a general message aimed at all who are  to receive it,  rather than  an individual  message aimed  at  a particular recipient, consisting of 200 or more pieces of the same size, weight, and contents.  As it is third class  mail, it will not be forwarded.


      B.    Five-Digit Presort First Class Mail


            First class letter mail in  quantities of 500 pieces or  more qualifies for a reduced rate if it is presorted and  prepared according to specific requirements.  Pieces which are  necessary to meet the 500  piece minimum volume, but which  cannot be presorted and  prepared as prescribed,  are residual  mail and must be paid at the full first class letter rate.




      A.    Basic Rate Third Class Mail ("Bulk Mail")


            1.    Post Office Requirements


                  a)    Must be at least 200 pieces of same size, weight, and contents.


                  b)    Must be  addressed  to general  recipient  rather than individual messages.


                  c)    May not be billings or statements of accounts.


                  d)    Must be sorted by zip code as follows:


                        i)    5-digit packages


                              Band 10 or more pieces to the same  5-digit  zip code into packages no thicker than four



                        ii)   3-digit packages


                              After sorting  all  5-digit pieces,  10  or more pieces to the  same first 3 digits  of the zip code must  be banded into  packages no thicker than four inches.


                        iii)  State packages


                              After sorting to 3-digit  zip codes, 10  or more pieces  to  the  same  state  must  be banded into packages  no thicker than  four inches.


                        iv)   Mixed states packages


                              After  sorting  to  5-digit,  3-digit,  and state packages, if you have several  states remaining with less than 10 pieces for  any one  state,  package  the  pieces  for  the different states  together.   Mixed  states                              packages must contain mail for at least two states.


                              Pieces remaining for one state (fewer  than 10 pieces) must be  banded together.  If  9 or fewer pieces remain for the same 3-digit they must  be banded  together.   If  9  or fewer pieces  remain for  the same  5-digit they must be banded together.


                        v)    All addresses must face the same direction.


                        vi)   Secure  packages  with  rubber  bands;  one rubber band around the length for  packages up to  one inch  in thickness,  two  rubber bands, one around the width, and one  round the length  for  packages between  one  and four inches.


                        vii)  Mail must  be delivered  to the  bulk  mail acceptance unit of the main Santa Cruz Post  Office between the hours of 10:00 to  12:30 and 1:30 to 4:30, Monday through Friday.


                        viii) Payment must be made  by permit imprint  or postage meter imprint.


            2.    Mail Room Requirements


                  a)    Minimum of  one  working  day,  or  eight  hours, advance notice of any bulk or presort mailings.


                  b)    All mail which qualifies  according to the  above specifications must be in the Mail Room by  10:00



                  c)    Mail Room  may take  up to  two working  days  to process bulk or presort mailings.


                  d)    Originating department  will submit  an accurate piece count; fill out  a Special Mail  Processing

                        Request form  (DUP-3)  with  their  mailing;  and prepare two copies of Post Office form 3602 PC or

                        3602 R which will be available in the Mail  Room, one for the Mail Room and  one to go to the  Post

                        Office with the mailing.


                  e)    Upon completion of processing  in the Mail  Room, mail must  be delivered  to  the Post  Office  by

                        originating department, or by Mail Room staff  as time permits and for a $20.000 deliver fee.


                  f)    Originating department  bears all  responsibility for  accurate  sorting  of  mail  and  submitting

                        accurate piece count.


      B.    5-Digit Presort First Class Mail


            1.    Post Office Requirements


                  a)    Must be at least 500  pieces per mailing of  same size, weight, and contents.


                  b)    Must be sorted by zip code as follows:


                        i)    10 or more pieces  to the same 5-digit  zip code must be made into packages no  thicker than four inches, and placed into a 5-digit sack containing a minimum of 125 pieces  or 15 lbs. of mail.


                        ii)   After sorting  all  5-digit pieces,  10  or more pieces to the  same first 3 digits  of  the zip code must  be banded into  packages no thicker than four inches and placed into a sack.  If you have 125 or more pieces  or 15 or more pounds, of 5-digit mail going to different  5-digit  zip  code  destinations within a 3-digit zip  code area, this  mail must be placed in a 3-digit sack.  Only  5-digit packages  may  be  included  in  this sack.


                        iii)  After completing steps a) and b) above, all remaining pieces  will  be  mailed  at  the first class mail  rate and  do not  qualify for the discount, nor do they count towards the minimum quantity required.


            2.    Mail Room Requirements


                  a)    Minimum of  one  working  day,  or  eight  hours, advance notice of any bulk or presort mailings.


                  b)    All mail which qualifies  according to the  above specifications must be in the Mail Room by  10:00                        A.M.


                  c)    Mail Room  may take  up to  two working  days  to process bulk or presort mailings.


                  d)    Originating department  bears responsibility  for accurate sorting of mail and submitting  accurate piece count.


                  e)    Originating department will  fill out and  submit  to the Mail  Room a Special  Mail Processing  Re-

                        quest form (DUP-3) with mailing, and Post  Office form 3502  PC or  3602 R  available in  the  Mail                        Room.


                  f)    Upon completion of processing  in the Mail  Room, mail must  be delivered  to  the Post  Office  by                         originating department; or by Mail Room staff  as time permits and for a $20.00 delivery fee.