SANTA CRUZ COUNTY







     These are the guidelines Santa Cruz County utilizes for the purpose of imple-

     menting the public art and design program established by the Santa Cruz

     County Board of Supervisors.


2.0  GOALS


     The goals of the public art program are to: enhance the visual environment for

     the citizens of Santa Cruz County, to integrate the design work of artisits into

     the development of County public works projects, and to promote tourism and

     economic vitality of the County through the enhancement of public spaces.


3.0  DEFINITIONS (See Appendix I)




     4.1  When a department envisions a capital improvement project which would be

          eligible for a public art component the Department Head shall meet with the

           Director of the County of Santa Cruz Department of Parks, Open Space

          and Cultural Services (POSCS) or designee, in order to develop a public

          art project description, budget and timeline for approval by the Board of

          Supervisors.  The timeline shall ensure that the artist is selected and the

          contract executed before the project architect has finalized conceptual



     4.2  The Director of POSCS or designee shall present upcoming capital projects

          to the Arts Commission which will, on an annual basis, create a proposed

          Public Art Plan.  This plan shall include the proposed art projects, budg-

          ets, recommendations for the specific approach to art in each of the

          projects and definition of the artist selection processes for approval by the

          Board of Supervisors.  When possible, the presentation to the Board of

          Supervisors shall take place during the month of August.


     4.3  The Arts Commission may, from time to time during the course of the year,

           recommend to the Board of Supervisors modifications to the Public Art





     5.1  Inclusions


          a)   Funds, 1-2% of total construction cost as defined by the Board of

               Supervisors in the 1991 Ordinance (see Attachment II) from eligible

               construction projects, may be allocated for artists design services and

               the acquisition or commissioning of Public Art Projects.


          b)  Up to five percent (5%) of the funds from public art projects may be

               allocated for community education activities and program support

               costs.  Funds in this category may be expended for identifying

               plaques, documentation, public amenities, dedications, advertising,

               artist selection costs, publicity, contracted services and other pur-

               poses recommended by the Arts Commission for the administration of

               the program and approved by the Board of Supervisors in the project



          c)   Five percent (5%) of the funds from public art projects may be allo-

               cated and placed in a special account for maintenance and preserva-

               tion of art works funded by the Public Art Program.




     6.1  Eligible Artworks


          It is the policy of the County of Santa Cruz that all artworks commissioned

          or acquired under the public art program be designed by visual artists.

          Such artworks may include, but are not limited to, the following:


          a)   Sculpture: free-standing, wall supported or suspended; kinetic,

               electronic; in any material or combination of materials.


          b)  Murals or portable paintings: in any material or variety of materials,

               with or without collage or the addition of non-traditional materials or



          c)   Earthworks, fiberworks, neon, glass, mosaics, photographs, prints,

               calligraphy, any combination of forms of media including sound,

               literary elements, film, holographic images, and video systems; hy-

               brids of any media and new genres.


          d)  Furnishings or fixtures, including but not limited to gates, railings,

               streetlights, signs, seating, if artist-created as unique elements or

               limited editions.


          e)   Artistic or aesthetic elements of the overall architecture or landscape

               design if created by a professional artist or a design team that

               includes a professional visual artist.


          f)   Temporary artworks or installations, if such artworks serve the

               purpose of providing community and educational outreach purposes.


          g)  The incremental costs of infrastructure elements, such as sound walls,

               utility structures, roadway elements and other items if designed by an

               artist or design team that included an artist as a co-designer.




     6.2  Ineligible Artworks


          a)   "Art objects" which are mass produced or of standard manufacture,

               such as playground equipment, fountains or statuary elements, unless

               incorporated into an artwork by a project artist.


          b)  Reproductions, by mechanical or other means, of original works of

               art, except in the cases of film, video, photography, printmaking or

               other media arts.


          c)   Decorative, ornamental, architectural or functional elements which are

               designed by the building architect, as opposed to elements created by

               an artist commissioned for that purpose.


          d)  Landscape architecture and landscape gardening except where these

               elements are designed by a professional visual artist and/or are an

               integral part of the artwork by the artist.


          e)   Services or utilities necessary to operate and maintain an artwork

               over time.


          f)   Art projects proposed by galleries or artists agents.


          g)  Specifically excluded are artworks done by students under the super-

               vision of art instructors or done to satisfy course requirements;

               artworks by the design architect (or other relevant professionals or

               members of the project design firm); and works by artists who are

               members of, or related to (immediate family), staff or members of the

               Arts Commission or the artist selection panel for the project.




     7.1  The Board of Supervisors shall:


          7.1.1     Review and may approve the annual Public Art Plan proposed by

                    the Arts Commission.


          7.1.2     Appropriate public art funds as part of the annual plant acquisi-

                    tion budget process, and direct departments to place the funds

                    into the non-interest bearing public art fund account at the

                    appropriate time.


          7.1.3     Review and may approve recommendations from the Arts Commis-

                    sion for selection of artist(s) for Public Art projects.


          7.1.4     Review and may approve contracts for the purchase of design

                    services and artworks.


          7.1.5     Review and may approve revisions to public art policies and



     7.2  The Arts Commission shall:


          7.2.1     Manage the public art program,  including recommending rules,

                    regulations, policies and guidelines, consistent with the 1991

                    public art ordinance established by the Board of Supervisors.


          7.2.2     Monitor the overall development of the County art program,

                    including ensuring that applications from Santa Cruz-based and

                    regional artists are solicited in the program and ensuring that

                    the program is reflective of the community's cultural diversity.


          7.2.3     Provide for regular surveys of the condition of the collection and

                    make recommendations for the care and maintenance of the art

                    works as needed.


          7.2.4     Develop the annual Public Art Plan and present the plan to the

                    Board of Supervisors.


          7.2.5     Establish a pool of artist selection panelists and constitute artist

                    selection panels.


                    Panels shall be appointed by the County Arts Commission and be

                    composed, in most cases, of at least five voting members includ-

                    ing one member of the community, one member of the Arts

                    Commission, two artists or arts professionals (designer, curator,

                    collector, public art administrator, etc.), and one representative

                    from the County department at which the project will be located.

                    The artist selection panel may also include one or more non-

                    voting advisors, including (a)  the project architect, (b) the

                    project manager, and (c) other persons deemed appropriate by

                    the Arts Commission. The composition of each Artist Selection

                    Panel will depend on the nature of each project and site.


          7.2.6     Develop a concise written charge to each artist selection panel



                    a)   Outlines the objectives and parameters.

                    b)  Defines a selected approach for the art work.

                    c)   Defines the method to be used for artist selection.

                    d)  Determines whether the project should be a

                         design collaboration.


          7.2.7     Review and may approve the recommendations of the artist selec-

                    tion panel and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors

                    for the Boards selection of an artist.


          7.2.8     Periodically review and recommend changes in the public art

                    ordinance, policies, guidelines and procedures to the Board.


     7.3  The County Department(s) with an eligible capital improvement project



          7.3.1     Meet with the Arts Commission to discuss the project (prior to

                    the architect selection process) which is eligible for public art

                    treatment and participate in the Public Artist selection process to

                    determine recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.


          7.3.2     Include information about the Public Art Component for a project

                    during the Architect Selection process.


     7.4  The Artist Selection Panel shall:


          7.4.1     Respond to the charge of the Arts Commission, outlining how the

                    selection of the artist(s) or artwork meets the criteria for the



          7.4.2     Review the credentials, prior work, proposals and other materials

                    submitted by artists for the project.


          7.4.3     Be sensitive to the public nature of the project and the necessity

                    for cultural diversity in the public art program.


     7.5  Conflicts of Interest


          Artists (or members of their immediate families or business partners)

          serving as members of the Arts Commission may not be commissioned

          under, or receive any direct financial benefit from, any County public art

          project during the term of their tenure on the Commission.  This restric-

          tion shall extend for a period of one year following Commission membership

          and shall extend indefinitely for any specific projects which were reviewed

          or otherwise acted upon during the artists membership on the Commission.

          An artist serving on an Artist Selection Panel may not be considered for

          that project, but may be eligible for other projects.  Members of the Artist

          Selection Panels must declare any conflict of interest and abstain from

          voting if a conflict of interest arises.




     Selecting the "appropriate" artist, whether to create a discreet artwork or to

     participate in a design collaboration, is the single most important decision in the

     public art process.  Special care must be taken in all aspects of artist selection

     in order to ensure the best possible public art project, taking into account the

     goals of the project, the community served, the nature of the site, and the

     other members of the design team.


     8.1  Eligibility Requirements for each project will be established by the Arts




          8.1.1     Artists will be selected on the basis of their qualification(s) as

                    demonstrated by past work, appropriateness of the proposal to

                    the particular project and its probability of successful comple-

                    tion.  During the artist recruitment and selection process every

                    effort will be made to include recruitment of Santa Cruz County-

                    based artists.


          8.1.2     Selection of artists will be without regard or discrimination

                    against applicant for employment because of race, color, religion,

                    national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical

                    condition (cancer related), marital status, sex, sexual orienta-

                    tion, age (over 40), veteran status, or any other non-merit



          8.1.3     Selections will involve commissioned work by living artists.  In

                    general, the purchase of existing works will not be considered,

                    unless there are extraordinary circumstances that make this

                    approach advisable for a particular project.


          8.1.4     In the selection of the artist it is a goal to provide for as broad

                    a representation of different artists and art forms as possible, as

                    well as to provide public art that reflects the County's cultural



     8.2  Selection of Artists


          The method of selection shall be an open competition.  During an open

          competition any artist may submit credentials or proposals, subject to any

          requirements established by the art selection panel.  Calls for entries will

          be sufficiently detailed to permit artists to determine whether their work is

          appropriate to the project under consideration.  Press releases will be

          issued announcing the open competition.  In addition, lists will be kept

          and used for artists wishing to be informed of such offerings.  Local

          organizations and educational institutions such as the Cultural Council, the

          Museum of Art and History, the Santa Cruz Art League, the Pajaro Valley

          Arts Council, and the Art Departments of UCSC, Cabrillo and San Jose

          State, Aptos High School, Soquel High School, San Lorenzo Valley High

          School, Harbor High School, Watsonville High School, and Renaissance High

          School, will be informed and encouraged to notify their memberships and

          students of such competitions.  No funds will be expended on advertising

          outside Santa Cruz County or to provide travel expenses for artists sub-

          mitting proposals.


     8.3  Criteria for Selection of Artists or Artworks.


          8.3.1     Quality - the highest priority is the design capability of the

                    artist(s) and the inherent quality of the artwork(s).


          8.3.2     Media - all forms of visual arts may be considered, subject to

                    any requirements set by the artist selection panel or the Arts



          8.3.3     Style - artworks of all schools, styles, and tastes should be

                    considered for the County public art program.


          8.3.4     Nature - artworks should be appropriate in scale, materials, form

                    and content for the immediate social and physical environments

                    with which they relate.


          8.3.5     Permanence - consideration should be given to structural and

                    surface integrity, permanence and protection of the artwork

                    against theft, vandalism, weathering, excessive maintenance and

                    repair costs.


          8.3.6     Elements of design - consideration should be given to the fact

                    that public art is a genre that is created in a public context and

                    that must be judged by standards that embrace factors other

                    than the aesthetic, including public participation, social and

                    political attitudes, and functional considerations.  Public art may

                    also serve to establish focal points, terminate areas, modify,

                    enhance or define specific spaces, establish, identify or address

                    specific issues of urban design.


          8.3.7     Public liability - artworks should be examined for unsafe condi-

                    tions or factors that may bear on public liability.


          8.3.8     Diversity - the Public Art Program should strive for diversity of

                    style, scale and media.




     9.1  Artist


          a)   Within the terms of the contract, the artist shall guarantee and

               maintain the artwork against all defects of material or workmanship for

               a period of one (1) year following installation.


          b)  Within the terms of the contract, the artist shall provide the Arts

               Commission with detailed drawings of the installation of the artwork

               and with detailed instructions regarding routine and extraordinary

               maintenance of the artwork.


          c)   Within the terms of the contract, all repairs and restorations which

               are made to the artwork within the lifetime of the artist shall have the

               mutual agreement of the County and the artist, and to the extent

               practical, the artist shall be given the opportunity to accomplish such

               repairs at a reasonable fee.




          These guidelines are subject to review and revision by the Arts Commission

          and approval by the Board of Supervisors.









1)   Public Art Plan: a prioritized list of public art projects, with budgets and

     recommended design approach, updated on an annual basis by the Arts Commis-

     sion in consultation with community groups and the County agencies anticipating

     capital improvement projects.  This plan is to be presented annually to the

     Board of Supervisors for review and approval.


2)   Artwork: work in a variety of media produced by visual artists.  The public art

     program should encompass the broadest possible range of expression, media and

     materials.  Works may be permanent or temporary, functional or non-functional.


3)   Artist Design Services: services by visual artists to develop designs for art-

     works or other architectural, landscape or urban design elements, either indi-

     vidually or as a member of a project design team.









     It is a goal of the County of Santa Cruz to expand, within available resources,

     the public's experience with public Arts and to make available to County resi-

     dents artwork of the highest quality that will in turn enhance the quality of life

     in Santa Cruz County and to help create a more visually pleasing and humane





     In acknowledgment of this goal, it shall be the policy of the county to include

     consideration of the provision of public art in the design and development of

     any County capital building project in excess of $100,000 for buildings located

     in highly visible public areas or areas regularly frequented by the general

     public.  In addition, funding for public art shall be considered for any remodel-

     ing project of an existing building in excess of $100,000 when the purpose of

     the project is to enlarge or improve the space in the building regularly fre-

     quented by the general public of which is located in a highly visible area and

     which is constructed by or for the County of Santa Cruz.


     Eligible projects shall be considered for the Percent for the Arts budget allow-

     ance as part of the County's annual budget cycle.  If approved, a budget

     allowance of 2% of total construction costs may be allocated for works of art for

     projects subject to this policy.  For any County construction project involving

     jails or detention facilities, a budget allowance of 1.5% of the total construction

     costs may be allocated for works of art.  Allocations for Parks project shall be

     required at the 2% level.


     If eligible projects are recommended to be excluded from the Percent for the

     Arts allocation, the basis for this shall be included in the budget recommenda-



     If during budget hearings, or thereafter, the Board of Supervisors approves an

     eligible project and sets aside an amount for public art, a separate line item

     shall be established to track expenditures for this purpose.




     Projects not deemed eligible for this program include:


     (a)  Historic buildings as designated from time to time by the County or by the

          State or Federal government.


     (b) Projects wherein a financing source by statute or regulation preclude such



     (c)  Projects involving only remodeling for maintenance purposes, such as roof

          repairs, elevator repairs and communications systems, or remodeling of

          interior office spaces which are not regularly frequented by the public.


     (d) Projects requiring reconstruction or rebuilding because of a Presidentially-

          declared disaster.


     (e)  Affordable housing projects unless the policy can be applied without ren-

          dering the project infeasible.