Title I - Finances and Accounting
Travel rules and regulations apply to County officials and employees, when traveling on County business. A standard training and conference form for both in-state and out-of-state travel associated with conferences and training is available (AUD26-C). Departments may elect to use this form or may adopt a similar format to meet their individual needs. All travel by Commission Members, volunteers, and other non-employees requires advance written approval by the County Administrative Officer.
All travel expenses incurred shall be based upon the most efficient, direct and economical mode of transportation required by the occasion. If an alternative mode of transportation is selected, the allowable cost shall be the lower of the actual cost of alternative modes of transportation or the lowest regular fare available for regular scheduled airlines for the date and time selected.
1. Out of State Travel
When transportation costs are to be paid by the County, advance approval by the County Administrative Officer is required for all out-of-state travel to attend conferences, seminars, or other functions, except as noted below. County Administrative Officer approval is not required when the travel is necessary to carry out the routine, day to day duties of each department. For example, out-of-state travel to vendor sites to observe new products or train on new products requires prior County Administrative Officer approval; whereas, District Attorney staff travel outside of State to carry-out an extradition order or to conduct crime investigation would not require County Administrative Officer approval.
2. Travel Advances
The Auditor-Controller may authorize a travel advance for one or more nights of travel out-of-County (Use Form AUD-26A). Prior authorization should be submitted at least two weeks prior to departure. Airfare, lodging, and registration reservations may be made in advance using the County CALCARD or paid through the blue claim process if the department does not have a CALCARD.
3. Meals
Meals are reimbursable under the following conditions:
a. Breakfast is allowable if out-of-County travel begins two hours or more before the start of the regular workday. Lunch is allowable if travel begins before 11:00 A.M. AND ends after 2:00 P.M. Dinner is allowable if travel ends two or more hours after the end of the regular workday.
b. When travel occurs on weekends or holidays, or when the traveling employee normally works flexible or otherwise non-standard hours (e.g. the employee normally works a "four-ten" schedule or a 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. workday) the regular workday will be deemed to be from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., for purposes of computing meals reimbursements.
c. Meal reimbursement shall be limited to the Federal per diem rates as outlined in ATTACHMENT A (online below County Travel and Expenses Rate Schedule under Policies and Procedures). For the first and last day of travel, the County will determine meals eligible for reimbursement based on times of travel.
These rates will also be used to determine meal reimbursements for special circumstances where partial meal rates are appropriate. For example, if one or more meals are included as part of a conference registration fee, the Meal and Incidentals Expense (M&IE) rate will be reduced by the appropriate amount. Employees are encouraged to claim actuals up to these limits and may claim lesser amounts even though receipts are not obtained. Meals not resulting from overnight travel will be reported as taxable other compensation per the IRS except for elected officials.
d. Meal costs may exceed the prescribed maximum only if speaker, conference, or registration costs are included. In this case, the agenda or a brochure describing the event and the price must accompany the claim.
e. In-County meals (food and non-alcoholic beverage) are allowable only as follows:
1) With evidence of advance (prior to event) approval of Department Head for
a) Scheduled official meetings (not staff meetings) e.g. State Association of Accounting Chiefs meets in Santa Cruz and luncheon is part of the program. This would also apply to the annual local County/State legislative meeting.
b) Management employees, except attorneys, when working authorized uncompensated over-time, which extends at least two hours beyond the normal workday.
c) Refreshments excluding alcoholic beverages may be provided for Official County events with the prior approval of County Administrative Officer, provided a public purpose is served and the amount does not exceed $1,000. The Board of Supervisors shall approve refreshment amounts in excess of $1,000.
2) When approved by the County Administrative Officer for meals for general representation unit and mid-management personnel in DPW, under emergency conditions. These may be approved in advance or after the fact, if the request is submitted to the County Administrative Officer within ten working days of the emergency. The CAO may approve claims submitted after ten working days if it is determined that the claim was submitted expeditiously given the nature of the emergency. CAO and Department Head approval must accompany the claim for payment. Meal allowances under this provision shall be limited to the maximum rates specified in the Federal M&IE rate schedule.
Emergency meal payments for breakfast are allowable only if the required emergency work begins at least two hours before the beginning of the regular workday.
Emergency meal payment for lunch is allowable only if
a) The required emergency work begins at least two hours before the beginning of the regular work day and ends at least two hours after the end of the regular work day; or
b) at least 12 hours of required emergency work occur and the regular lunch period falls within those hours.
Emergency meal payment for dinner is allowable only if
a) the required emergency work extends at least two hours after the regular work day; or
b) at least 16 consecutive hours of emergency work is required on any non-workday, two of which fall after the end of the employee's regular workday.
3) In order for meals for Personnel Employment Rating Panels, Board of Supervisors Closed Personnel, Executive, Litigation, or union negotiation meetings to be allowable County charges, such charges shall be reasonable and necessary. Employment Rating Panel claims, including performance examinations conducted on weekends and union negotiation claims, must be approved by the Personnel Director, or designee, and Board of Supervisor closed meetings claims must be approved by County Counsel.
4) To be proper County charges, other in-County meals require Board of Supervisors approval.