October 18, 1994


                          COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ


                        DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY


The County of Santa Cruz recognizes that drugs in the workplace can create

health and safety problems for all employees and must be addressed.  There-

fore, it is the policy of the County of Santa Cruz that:


     1.  The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or

use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace.


     2.  Each County employee will receive a copy of this policy.


     3.  Each county employee will be notified that as a condition of em-

ployment the employee is required to:


          (a) Abide by the County's Drug-free Workplace policy; and


          (b) Notify the county in writing  of any criminal drug statute

conviction (including a plea of nolo contendere) for a violation that oc-

curred in the workplace, no later than 5 calendar days after such convic-



     4.  The County will take one of the following actions within 30 calen-

dar days of receiving notice of the conviction:


          (a) Take appropriate disciplinary action against the employee

consistent with the Civil Service Rules; and/or


          (b) Require the employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug

abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved by a Federal, state, or

local health or law enforcement agency.  Upon successful completion of this

program, the employee may be entitled to return to county employment.


     5.  The County through the Santa Cruz County Training Task Force,

conducts drug abuse awareness programs that inform employees about the

dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the availability of drug counseling

and rehabilitation programs, the County's policy of maintaining a drug-free

workplace, and the disciplinary actions that may be taken for violations.


     6.  The County, through the employee assistance program for County

employees, provides substance abuse counseling services.  Health plans

offered to employees through the County provide substance abuse treatment



     7.  For programs established under a federal grant, the County agrees

to abide by the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.



