The Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, and associated Federal Highway

Administration Regulations, 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 383, require

Santa Cruz County and its employees who possess a Commercial Driver's License to

comply with provisions regarding possession of such licenses, notice regarding

convictions for driver violations of motor vehicle traffic laws, and notice

regarding disqualification of the employee's driver's license.  In addition,

State regulations and Chapter 2.32 of the Santa Cruz County Code establish cer-

tain requirements with respect to employees who operate County vehicles.


A.   Definitions.


     "Motor vehicle" as used in this Policy means any County owned, leased or

     rented commercial motor vehicles, and any commercial motor vehicle operated

     by a County employee while engaged in County business.


B.   License Requirements.


     1.   An employee who operates a motor vehicle shall have only one valid

          driver's license.  (49 CFR 383.37)


     2.   An employee who operates a motor vehicle shall have an appropriate

          valid California driver's license in his/her possession while operat-

          ing the motor vehicle. (County Code Section 2.32.230; CVC Section



     3.   An employee who operates a commercial motor vehicle shall have in

          her/his possession a valid medical certificate for commercial motor

          vehicle operation.  (CVC Section 12804(c))


     4.   No County employee shall employ or hire any person to drive a motor

          vehicle or permit or authorize the driving of a motor vehicle under

          his/her control unless the person is licensed for the appropriate

          class of vehicle to be driven.  Whenever a County employee hires or

          employs a person to drive a class 1 or class 2 vehicle ((commercial

          motor vehicle)), that employee shall ascertain that the person has in

          his/her possession a current medical certificate. (CVC 14606)


     5.   An employee who fails to comply with the requirements of this Part (B)

          is subject to discipline, up to and including termination.


C.   Notification of Convictions for Driver Violations.


     1.   Each employee who operates a commercial motor vehicle for the County

          or who is required by the County to have a commercial driver's li-

          cense, and who is convicted of violating in any vehicle a State or

          local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control (other than a

          parking violation) shall notify the County of such conviction within

          30 calendar days from the date of the conviction as provided in sub-

          section (3), below. (49 CFR 383.31)


     2.   Each employee who operates a commercial motor vehicle or who has a

          commercial driver's license, and who is convicted of violating in any

          vehicle a State or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control

          (other than a parking violation) shall notify the DMV within 30 calen-

          dar days from the date of the conviction. (49 CFR 383.31)


     3.   Notification required under this Part (C), shall be in writing and

          include all of the data, and the employee's signature, specified in

          attached form PER1508A.  (49 CFR 383.31)


     4.   An employee who fails to comply with the requirements of this Part (C)

          is subject to discipline, up to and including termination.


D.   Notification of Driver's License Suspension, Revocation, Cancellation,

     Disqualification, or Lost Privilege.


     1.   Each employee who has a commercial driver's license suspended, re-

          voked, or cancelled by a State or local jurisdiction, who loses the

          right to operate a commercial motor vehicle for any period, or who is

          disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for any period,

          shall notify the County of such suspension, revocation, cancellation,

          lost privilege, or disqualification.  The notification must be made

          prior to the operation of a County motor vehicle, or by the end of the

          next scheduled work day following the date the employee receives no-

          tice of such suspension, revocation, cancellation, lost privilege, or

          disqualification, whichever occurs first. (49 CFR 383.33)


     2.   Notification required under this Part (D), shall be in writing and

          include all of the data, and employee's signature, specified in at-

          tached form PER1508A. (49 CFR 383.33)


     3.   An employee who fails to comply with the requirements of this Part (D)

          is subject to discipline, up to and including termination.




Pursuant to County Policy and Federal Highway Administration regulations

(49 CFR Part 383), employees with Commercial Driver's Licenses (Class A or

B) must notify the County of convictions for driver violations of motor

vehicle traffic laws, and of any disqualifications of their driver's li-

cense including suspension, revocation, cancellation, and or withdrawal by

the State or DMV of the privilege to drive a commercial motor vehicle.

Notification must be made on this form:  prior to the operation of any

County vehicle, or before the end of the next scheduled work day following

the day on which the disqualification occurs, whichever comes first.



Employee Name (Print)______________________________________________________


Today's Date___________________  Driver's License #________________________





                      CONVICTION NOTIFICATION


Nature of Violation (cite code)____________________________________________




Did violation occur while operating a commercial motor vehicle?____________


Location of Offense________________________________________________________


Date of Offense___________________  Date of Conviction_____________________


Employee's Signature_______________________________________________________






Dates of Cancellation, Revocation, Suspension, Disqualification:


From________________________   To____________________________


Action was by the following agency:________________________________________


Employee's Signature_______________________________________________________


PER1508A  2/14/95 DISTRIBUTION:  Orig. to Employee's Department Head,

                                copy to Risk Mgt Div., Co. Personnel Dept