BY THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ (Resolution 35-92 1/21/92)
193.1 On July 26, 1990, the Federal Government
enacted the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) which
requires the County of Santa Cruz to
make facilities accessible and to make
reasonable accommodations to
integrate qualified individuals with disabilities
into services, pro-
grams and/or activities offered by the
County of Santa Cruz. If you
believe that you have been discriminated
against on the basis of a
disability in connection with Santa Cruz
County's facility access or
programs, services or activities, you have the right to file a com-
plaint with the department of the County
of Santa Cruz responsible for
the program, or with any agency that
provides funding to the County
department that is the subject of the
complaint, or with the U.S.
Department of Justice.
193.2 Complaint Procedure
A. Purpose: This complaint procedure is
intended to provide a progressive
series of steps through which a
discrimination complaint may be pre-
sented with the aim of resolving the
complaint at the lowest adminis-
trative level within the County
departments. This procedure is not
intended to supplement or supplant any
other formal appeal or com-
plaint procedure under the ADA.
B. Application: A qualified individual with disabilities, a specific
class of individuals, or their authorized
representative(s) may file a
formal discrimination complaint, in
writing, with the County Equal
Employment Opportunity Office. ADA complaint forms may be obtained
from the responsible department or the
County Equal Employment Oppor-
tunity Office, 701 Ocean Street, Room
510, Santa Cruz, California,
C. Timing:
A discrimination complaint must be filed with the Santa Cruz
County Department within 60 days of
occurrence of the alleged com-
D. Where to File: An individual may file a
complaint with the County
department or the County Equal Employment
Opportunity Office, 701
Ocean Street, Room 510, Santa Cruz, CA
E. Scope of Complaints: A discrimination complaint under these
dures may only be filed if it relates to
access to any facilities,
services, programs, or activities run by
Santa Cruz County. Specifi-
cally excluded from this complaint
procedures are subjects involving
employment with the County of Santa Cruz.
These subjects are covered
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under the Santa Cruz County
Discrimination or Harassment Complaint
Procedure, Personnel Regulations Section
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193.3 Resolution of Complaints
A. The complainant may informally discuss the
complaint with the Depart-
ment Head or the Equal Employment Opportunity
Officer concerning pro-
gram or architectural barrier complaints
to attempt to resolve the
issue at the informal level.
B. If the complaint is not settled through
informal discussion, the com-
plainant may file a formal complaint
within sixty (60) calendar days
of the occurrence of an alleged
complaint. The formal complaint shall
be presented in writing to the Department
Head. The complaint form
shall contain information which:
Identifies the complaint.
Indicates the date, time and place of its occurrence.
Contains the specific nature of the complaint.
Indicates the consideration given or steps taken to secure
informal resolution including
the date of informal discus-
States the corrective action desired.
A copy of the complaint will be sent to
the Equal Employment Opportu-
nity Officer by the department within
five (5) calendar days of re-
ceipt of the complaint. A decision by the Department Head shall be
made in writing within thirty (30)
calendar days of receipt of the
C. If the complaint is not settled at Step 2,
the complainant may, within
fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt
of the Department Head's
response at Step 2, refer the complaint
to the Equal Employment Oppor-
tunity Officer at 701 Ocean Street, Room
510, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Officer
or his/her designee shall
respond in writing within thirty (30)
calendar days after the date of
receipt of the complaint.
D. If the complaint is not satisfied with the
decision of the Equal Em-
ployment Opportunity Officer at Step 3,
the complainant may, within
one (1) calendar week after receipt of
the Step 3 decision, request
that the County Administrative Officer
consider the complaint and make
a decision within forty-five (45)
calendar days.
193.4 General Provisions
A. Time limits specified in the processing of
complaint may be waived by
mutual written agreement.
B. If a complainant does not present his/her
complaint or does not appeal
the decision rendered regarding his/her
complaint within the time
limits, the complaint shall be considered
C. If the Department Head, or the Equal
Employment Opportunity Officer
does not respond within the time limits
provided, the aggrieved may
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proceed to the next step of this
complaint procedure, or file such
complaint with the Federal Government as
specified within the Ameri-
cans with Disabilities Act.
D. A copy of the complaint form shall be
forwarded by the County to the
appropriate federal agencies, including
the U.S. Department of Jus-
tice, when the formal complaint is filed
with the County Administra-
tive Officer.
E. In the event of an unusual number of
complaints being filed, the Coun-
ty may consolidate like complaints and/or
temporarily suspend com-
plaint processing by extending the
timeline of the complaint proce-
dures. In the case of suspension, all
formal written complaints shall
be forwarded by the County to the
appropriate federal agencies, in-
cluding the U.S. Department of Justice.
F. Each County Department will be responsible
for noticing their clients
of this complaint resolution procedure
and the appropriate federal
agencies, including the U.S. Department
of Justice, for appeal.
G. In the case of facility accessibility,
regulations promulgated under
the State of California, Title 24
provisions will be adhered to where
the regulations are more restrictive than
the regulations promulgated
under the ADA federal agencies
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