Number: III.10. 
Date Issued: Dec. 16, 1991
Date Revised:


To establish a process through which, employees assigned, on a rotational basis, to perform special high level technical or supervisory assignments within the scope of a class, may be compensated for performing those assignments.


Definition: A class, which, in the highest level in the series, incumbents may be assigned to perform supervisory or special assignments, on a rotational basis, which may be compensated with an additional salary range for the class.

  1. Deep classes will be identified and defined by Personnel upon request from a department or as a result of a classification study.

  2. Assignments typically are rotational, at the discretion of the departtment head. If the assignment will be on-going, a unique class should be created.

  3. Recruitments and examinations will be for the base class. Supplemental applications or other methods may be used to selectively certify candidates for the deep class assignment. Recruitments and exams for the deep class assignment shall be as a last resort. (In cases where a special recruitment/exam is needed, this is an indicator to the analyst that a special class may be needed.)

  4. A deep class will have more than one salary range assigned to the class. Salary steps will be set to be a specific percent amount above each step for the base class. In other words, if the assignment is determined to be 5% above the base class, each step will be 5% above the step in the base class (step 1 will be 5% above base class step 1, etc.)

  5. An employee, when moving into the deep class assignment will move into the same step in the deep class as he/she was in the base class, with the same amount of credit toward the next step. Likewise, when returning from the deep class assignment to the base class, the incumbent will go step for step with credit for time served.

  6. Employees who have attained permanent status in a class may be considered for rotation to a special assignment, at the department head's discretion.

  7. All seniority accrues in the base class only. Time in the deep class assignment will be considered time in the base class for purposes of seniority.

  8. Promotions, demotions, transfers and other changes in an employee's status shall be based on the salary in the base class and consistent with the appropriate rules.


Deep classes will be created by Personnel through classification studies. Departments wishing to have Personnel consider use of a deep class for any new or existing classes shall follow the procedures for requesting a classification study.