Number: V.1.A.1.
Date Issued: Nov. 15, 1990
Date Revised: Jan 13, 1994


To identify requirements for transfers.


County Code Section 4.05.090 (3.28.080) Transfer & Reinstatement
Section 110.B.83 Transfer
Section 110.B.84 Transfer List
Civil Service Rule VII Requirements for Accomplishing Transfer
Section 161.I. Step Placement Upon Appointment to Equal Class


  1. A Transfer may occur in the following situations:

    1. An employee may transfer from one position to another position in the same class in another department.

      If the employee has permanent status in the class, s/he will not serve a new probationary period. If the employee is probationary, s/he will begin a new probation period in the new department. (Civil Service Rule VI.E. Probation)

      Step placement and hours for step advancement are not affected by the transfer. (Section 161.I.)

    2. An employee may transfer from one class to a different class in the same broad occupational group where:

      1. the required knowledges, skills and abilities of both classes are sufficiently related as determined by the Personnel Director;


      2. the 5th step of the salary range for the new class is equal to or no more than 5% higher than the 5th step of the current class.

        The employee must serve a probation period for the new class pursuant to Civil Service Rule VI.E. Probation.

        Under this provision, the employee is considered to have been appointed to an equal class. The employee is placed at the same step in the new class, and step hours in the former class are applied to the new class. e.g. if the employee was at step 2 with 300 hours towards step 3, the same will apply in the new class.

        NOTE: This Transfer provision is an alternative to appointment from an eligible list. If such a transfer is approved (to a class which is within 5% of the old class), the employee's step placement and step hours are not affected. If the employee is appointed from an eligible list to a class with a higher 5th step, the appointment is a promotion and step placement and step advancement are determined under Section 161.J. Step Placement and Step Advancement Upon Appointment to Higher Class.

  2. The Personnel Director will utilize the Classification Schematic Listing, which groups classes into occupational groups, to determine whether or not current and new classes are in the same broad occupational group.

  3. The Personnel Director will utilize the Guidelines for a Comparable Class approved by the Civil Service Commission to determine whether the required knowledges, skills and abilities for the current and new classes are sufficiently related.

  4. Transfers apply to employees in budgeted positions. These provisions do not apply to extra-help, or to employee's seeking to move from a position exempt from Civil Service to a position included in Civil Service.



  1. An employee wishing to transfer to the same class in another department or a different class for which the 5th step is equal to or no more than 5% higher than the 5th step of the current class must:

    1. complete and submit an original up-to-date employment application for the class to which s/he wishes to transfer;

    2. submit a memo which identifies the employee's current class and class to which s/he wishes to transfer.

    Personnel Department:

  2. Reviews the employee's request and application and makes a determination as to whether or not transfer requirements are met and notifies employee accordingly. If approved, places the employee's name on a transfer list for certification to vacant positions.

  3. Certifies transfer list to vacant position in accordance with Civil Service Rule VI.*

    Operating Department:

  4. Interviews employees from transfer list in accordance with Civil Service Rule VI.* If employee is selected, submits:

    1. Action Form (transaction code 22 or 23);
    2. copy of employee's employment application;
    3. Certification form;
    4. Other general requirements (e.g. freeze exemption)


    Personnel Department:

  5. Reviews to insure that specific and general requirements are met, and notifies department of decision and forwards paperwork accordingly. Sets probation hours appropriate to conditions of transfer.

    * An employee may also have his/her name placed on a "transfer list" for consideration for appointment to a vacant position in a lower class or a previous class. While appointment is from a "transfer list," the action is not a transfer but is a voluntary demotion or appointment to a previous class respectively, which is separate from this transfer policy.