Number: V.1.B.4.
Date Issued: Nov. 15, 1990
Date Revised: April 9, 2001


To identify the requirements for temporary work in a higher class appointment where an employee is compensated for performing the duties of an absent employee in a higher class. 


Civil Service Rule VI N. Work In a Higher Class 
Section 161 N. Work In a Higher Class (step placement upon appointment to higher class and upon return from appointment to a higher class) 
General Representation Unit MOU Article 15.5
Middle Management Representation Unit MOU Article 35
Detention Officer Representation Unit MOU Article 23.5


  1. Basic Requirements. 
    (For additional, specific requirements for different employee groups, see part II. below.)

    1. Work In a Higher Class (WIHC) appointments apply to budgeted positions (Civil Service and non-Civil Service). Such appointments do not apply to extra-help. 

    2. WIHC appointments do not apply to alternately staffed classes (e.g., Typist Clerk II and Typist Clerk I). 

    3. No time served in a WIHC appointment shall count towards probationary or permanent status in the higher class. 

    4. As a minimum, the appointee must meet the employment standards for the higher class. 

  2. Specific Requirements (for different groups or representation units).

    1. General Representation Unit. 


      1. WIHC appointments apply only for absences of 40 cumulative hours or more in a calendar year. Such absences must be through the use of paid leave (i.e., annual leave, sick leave, accrued compensatory time off), leave without pay, or a vacancy.

      2. The employee must be assigned by the appointing authority to perform a majority of the duties of the position of the absent employee.

      3. The employee must meet the employment standards for the higher class but need not be on an appropriate employment list.

      4. Such appointments are limited to 60 days, except that one additional appointment for a maximum of 60 days may be authorized by the Personnel Director provided that valid reasons exist for the extension.

      5. These provisions apply only to an employee in the General Representation Unit temporarily appointed to a class in that unit. If the appointment is to a class in a different unit, the provisions of D. (Other Employee Groups), below, apply.

      6. Should an absence turn into a vacancy (e.g., the regular incumbent fails to return from leave), an appointment to the vacant position must be made from the eligible list. Therefore, the WIHC appointment may have to be terminated when a vacancy occurs.


    2. Middle Management Representation Unit. 


      1. WIHC appointments apply only for absences of at least 40 continuous hours. Such absences must be through the use of sick leave, administrative leave, vacation and/or accrued compensatory time off.

      2. The appointee must be temporarily assigned by the appointing authority to perform the full range of duties of the position of the absent employee.

      3. The employee must meet the employment standards for the higher class and must be appointed from an appropriate employment list, if any exists, in accordance with certification and appointment provisions of Section VI of the Civil Service Rules and County Code Section 4.15.020.

      4. The appointment must be approved in advance by the Personnel Director.

      5. No such temporary assignment shall continue for longer than 45 days except that one additional temporary appointment for a maximum of 45 days may be authorized by the Personnel Director provided that valid reasons exist to justify the extension.

      6. These provisions apply only to an employee in the Middle Management Representation Unit who is appointed to a higher class in that unit. If the appointment is to a class in a different unit, the provisions of D. (Other Employee Groups), below, apply.


    3. Detention Officer Representation Unit.


      1. Work In A Higher Class provision was deleted in the new MOU for this unit for 2001. It was replaced by a differential paid on hours worked for employees assigned to perform the duties of an absent supervisory, pursuant to new Article 23.5. 

    4. Other Employee Groups.


      1. These provisions apply to all employees in budgeted positions except those in the General Representation Unit, Middle Management Representation Unit, and Detention Officer Representation Unit. Further, these provisions apply to a General Representation Unit and Middle Management Representation Unit employee who is appointed to a higher class which is in a different representation unit.

      2. WIHC appointments apply only for absences of 80 consecutive hours or more when the employee in the higher class is absent due to illness and is using vacation, annual leave, administrative leave, and/or accrued compensatory time following exhaustion of all accrued sick leave.

      3. The appointee must be temporarily assigned by the appointing authority to perform the full range of duties of the position of the absent employee.

      4. The employee must meet the employment standards for the higher class and must be appointed from an appropriate employment list, if any exists, in accordance with Section VI of the Civil Service Rules and County Code Section 4.15.020.

      5. No such temporary assignment shall continue for more than 90 days except that one additional temporary appointment for a maximum of 90 days may be authorized by the Personnel Director provided that valid reasons exist to justify the extension.

  1. Initial WIHC Appointment

    1. The operating department makes the assignment of the employee who will temporarily perform the duties of the position of the absent employee.

    2. The department prepares and submits the following items to the Personnel Department:

      1. the Action Form for WIHC appointment (transaction code 33)

      2. a memo to the Personnel Director which specifies the employ ee who is absent, the anticipated dates of the absence, and the type(s) of leave the employee will use during the absence

      3. Depending upon which provisions apply, either the completed certification form or the up-to-date employment application of the employee.


  2. Extension of WIHC Appointment

    To request an extension of a WIHC appointment, the department submits an Action Form with a memo which specifies the dates of absence, the type(s) of leave to be used during the absence, and justification for the extension.

  3. Approval of WIHC Appointment

    1. The Personnel Department verifies that conditions for WIHC appointment are met in accordance with above policy, including that the appointment was from an appropriate employment list or that the employee meets the employment standards, and that other requirements (such as step placement, freeze exemptions, etc.) are met.

    2. If all criteria are met, the Personnel Department notifies the operating department of the approval of the appointment and forwards the paperwork accordingly.