To allow retiring and terminating employees to be placed in an extra-help status on the payroll system so that they may be used for future temporary needs without the need to go through the processing or appointment processes each time.
County Code Section 4.05.320(e)
Civil Service Rules VI.I. Extra-help Appointments
A retiring or terminating employee with permanent status may be appointed extra-help and be held in a recurrent status for future temporary work needs. A terminating employee with probationary status may be appointed extra-help and held in a recurrent status for future temporary work needs, if their eligibility period has not expired for the eligibility list from which they were appointed. Extra-help employees cannot work more than 999 hours in a fiscal year. P.E.R.S. retirees, while working as extra-help, cannot work more than 960 hours or 120 days in a calendar year. Departments are responsible for ensuring that these limits are not exceeded. If there is no break in service between the permanent or probationary status and the extra-help appointment, this movement can occur without an employee processing session.
The employing department submits a completed turnaround document coded for extra-help appointment along with the turnaround document terminating the employee.
Upon the employee working for the department, the department submits a time card that will act to change the employee status to active and pay appropriately for the hours worked.