Number: V.4.D. 
Date Issued: July 1, 1993
Date Revised: May 31, 1994
Sept. 1999 


To provide for an administrative review of a department's personnel transactions when that department has been determined to need assistance in meeting equal employment opportunity\non-discrimination objectives set by the Board of Supervisors; and to provide for review of recruitment plans for outreach efforts required considering the countywide and departmental equal employment opportunity\non-discrimination recommendations and objectives set by the Board of Supervisors.


Civil Service Policy


  1. Annually departments prepare Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Plans (See PAM0209) to establish the methods and procedures that will be used to reach the Board established equal employment opportunity\non-discrimination approved recommendations.

  2. In a review of the Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Plans, department heads meet with representatives of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer to discuss these plans.

  3. Where the EEO Commission and the EEO Program Officer determine review is required for assurance of meeting County and departmental action steps, the department is placed on administrative review and all personnel transactions are reviewed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer prior to authorization of the action.

  4. The Personnel Services Division is responsible for broad outreach including outreach of protected groups for the County. The Equal Employment Opportunity Division conducts oversight review of the recruitment and examination activities of the Personnel Services Division.



    1. Upon a decision to open a recruitment for a job class, the Personnel Services analyst reviews the occupational category of the job class and the department's equal employment opportunity plan to determine the need for targeted outreach recruitment. For departments on administrative review this would be all job classes. For other departments or countywide classes this will be dependent on whether or not the class is targeted county-wide because of overall County objectives.

    2. Based on this review, the analyst in consultation with the department, completes the recruitment plan and selects outreach resources that will assist in improving the equal employment opportunity and diversity of appointments for the job class and/ or department. Departments shall provide outreach resources to the analyst related to their professional associations.

    3. The analyst forwards a copy of the recruitment plan to the Equal Employment Opportunity Office for their review and comment on the plan. If there are desired changes, the Equal Employment Opportunity staff return the recruitment plan to the analyst for discussion and/or additional changes to the plan.

    4. On a weekly basis, the Equal Employment Opportunity staff review the status of recruitments in process using TRAC reporting procedures and contact the analyst with any concerns regarding activities in the recruitment/examination process.

    5. Throughout the recruitment/examination process the Personnel Services analyst reviews the impact on protected classes and makes decisions for adjustments to the plan as appropriate.

    6. At the close of the recruitment, Personnel Services Division closes out the recruitment and prepares standard reports, forwarding a copy of the Applicant Flow Report to Equal Employment Opportunity.


    Prior to filling of vacancies the following actions will occur when a department is under administrative review:

    1. The department submits a certification request to the Personnel Department.

    2. The Personnel Services Division will prepare the certification list and notices to applicants of certification according to Civil Service Rules and forward them to the EEO Officer.

    3. The EEO Officer will review the availability of protected and diverse groups on the certification list and contact the department head to discuss the candidate pool. The EEO Officer will release the certification to the department and forward the notices to the mail room for processing upon the conclusion of discussions with the department head.

    4. Interviews will be conducted of all individuals certified to the department. Upon the conclusion of the interviews, the department head or their designee will prepare the written justification for the selection and the reason for non-selection of all individuals not selected. The department head will review this justification, forward it to the EEO Officer and contact the EEO Officer to discuss the proposed selection.

    5. The department head and the EEO Officer will discuss the results of interviews and selection recommendations prior to job offers being made to candidates.

    6. Upon conclusion of discussions with the EEO Officer, the department can make a job offer to the selected candidate.

    7. Copies of the memo of justification are retained by the Equal Employment Opportunity Division only.