Number: IX.2. 
Date Issued: Nov. 15, 1990
Date Revised: Sept. 5, 1994
Feb. 7, 2001 


To allow departments the opportunity to encourage employees to change career paths while minimizing wage loss entailed in voluntary demotion to accomplish that change.


Section 164.U Retraining Adjustment Pay Differential: "A regular employee who takes a voluntary demotion that is for the purpose of changing career paths may be entitled to a retraining adjustment pay differential provided the following conditions are met: the demotion is not in lieu of, or the result of, disciplinary action; the demotion is not the result of a layoff; the demotion is not a return from work in a higher class; payment of the differential is recommended by the employing department head and approved by the Personnel Director.

The differential is effective from the date the employee is appointed to the lower class and continues for 24 months (i.e. 52 pay periods) or until the employee leaves the class to which they have demoted, whichever occurs first. 

Retraining Adjustment Pay shall be paid as a hourly rate differential that is equal to the difference between the employee's hourly rate in the higher class and the appropriate rate in the lower class to which the employee is demoting." 

Section 161 K.2. Step Placement and Step Advancement Upon Appointment to a Lower Class

Civil Service Rule VI.M. Demotion
Section 110 B. Voluntary Demotion (defined)


  1. The voluntary demotion must be to a vacant position in a class in a different occupational group than the occupational group in which the employee's current class is found.

    Occupational groups and the classes within each occupational group are shown in the Classification Schematic Listing (report PYS8422).
  2. The objective of the career change cannot be reached in the current class.

  3. The individual does not already qualify for the objective of the career change.

  4. This provision applies to employees in budgeted positions. It does not apply to extra-help employees.

  5. The employee must meet the employment standards for the class to which s/he is seeking to voluntarily demote.

  6. Application of the retraining adjustment pay differential must be recommended by the employing department and approved by the Personnel Director.

  7. This differential is intended to apply only for voluntary demotion to a vacant position in a different occupational group. This differential is not intended to apply to demotion in lieu of or the result of disciplinary action, demotions which are the result of a layoff, or demotions entailed in a return from work in a higher class. This differential is not to be utilized to circumvent overfill or Y-rate provisions.

  8. The employee's step placement and step advancement in the class to which s/he is demoting shall be determined by the provisions of Section 161 K.2. of the Personnel Regulations. The employee will be eligible for step advancements and salary adjustments in the class to which s/he is demoting.

  9. The amount of the retraining adjustment pay differential shall be the difference between the employee's hourly salary rate in the higher class and the hourly salary rate in the class to which s/he is demoting (as determined by Section 161 K.2.). (See attached Pay Differential Calculation Form (PER1206). The differential is not affected by any salary adjustments or step advancements the employee may receive in the class to which s/he demoted.

  10. The differential shall end when the employee leaves the class to which s/he demoted for any reason, or after 52 pay periods, whichever occurs first. The maximum period of the differential (52 pay periods) is calendar (not hour) based, and will apply regardless of any changes in scheduled hours or any leave without pay.

  11. If the employee moves to another class from the one to which s/he demoted, the differential ends. The salary for purposes of step placement and step advancement in the next class is based on the employee's hourly salary rate, and does not take into account the retraining adjustment pay differential or any other differential. Salary placement upon appointment to an equal, higher or lower class only takes into account the hourly salary rate; not any differentials the employee may be receiving. 


Employing Department:

  1. Prepares and submits: memo justifying the need for application of the retraining adjustment pay differential; a memo from the employee requesting the demotion; an current County application for employment completed by the employee; an Action Form for the voluntary demotion (transaction code 41); and a Pay Differential Calculation Form (PER1206).

    Personnel Department:

  2. Verifies the there is a vacancy, that the employee meets the employment standards for the lower class, and that other requirements are met; verifies step placement and step hours in the lower class; and verifies that general requirements (e.g. freeze exemptions) are met.

  3. Notifies employing department of decision and forwards paperwork accordingly.

    Auditor's Office:

  4. For approved transactions, verifies data, including computation of differential, and inputs for appropriate pay period in accordance with established deadlines.

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