To identify policies and procedures related to the County's Employee Recognition (i.e., "Awards for Excellence") Program.
I. The Employee Recognition Program is intended to show public appreciation for and grant special recognition to certain employees for their service and contribution to the County.
II. Criteria for recognition will include, but not be limited to, any of the following:
A. An employee or group of employees who solved an extraordinary problem for the County and/or demonstrated an outstanding accomplishment that furthered the County’s goals.
B. An employee or group of employees who found an opportunity for improvement and implemented an innovative idea.
C. An employee who has demonstrated outstanding effort and service in the past year.
D. Maximum number of employees per nominated group shall not exceed 10 employees.
E. Department Heads and Assistant Department Heads do not participate as nominees in this program.
F. Permanent County employees are eligible for recognition awards. Extra-help employees may not be nominated.
III. Any County employee or any citizen may make nominations for this program. The nomination period will be from the second Monday in November to the second Friday of December of each year. All nominations must be received in the Personnel Department by 12:00 p.m. on the second Friday of December.
IV. Nominations will be reviewed, and awards recommended based on five categories with the following departmental groupings:
A. Health - Health Services Agency
B. Human Services - Human Resources Agency
C. Justice - District Attorney, Probation, Public Defender and Sheriff-Coroner.
D. Land Use & Regulatory – Agricultural Commissioner Weights & Measures, Agricultural Extension, Animal Services, Parks Open Space & Cultural Services, Planning, and Public Works.
E. General Government – Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector, Assessor-Recorder, Board of Supervisors' Office, Child Support Services, County Administrative Office, County Clerk-Elections, County Counsel, Information Services, General Services, and Personnel.
V. Review of nominations and recommendations for awards will be made by a selection committee to the CAO for each of the five categories.
A. Each committee, appointed by the CAO, will have six members as follows: two executive management, one middle management, and three general representative (or other) employees.
B. Each committee will meet during the month of January to evaluate all nominations of employees in their specific category and select up to three nominees for awards in each of the five departmental groupings.
C. The individuals' names and reasons for selection will be forwarded to the CAO.
VI. The CAO will publicly present the fifteen employees (or groups) to the Board of Supervisors at either the last Board meeting in February or the first meeting in March.
A. The members of the Board will present proclamations to each employee or group along with their individual awards.
B. Up to three monetary awards in the amount of $200 will be given in each of the five categories.
C. When applicable, Social Security and Medicare will be paid for all award winners by the County.
VII. Monies for these awards are budgeted in the Personnel Department budget. Staff support for this program is provided by the CAO with support from the Personnel Department.
I. The County Administrative Office will send out nomination notices to all County employees on or before the second Monday in November of each year.
II. The Personnel Department will collate nominations by category group and send each nominee a notice that their name has been submitted for consideration, with a copy to the employee's department head and personnel file.
III. The CAO will appoint selection committee members, who will meet during the month of January of each year to review and rank nominations, and to transmit their recommendations to the CAO.
IV. The County Administrative Office will prepare a Board
letter for the last Board meeting in February or first meeting in March for the
presentation of the awards.