Date Issued:
March 21, 1994
Date Revised:
To provide for appropriate allocation of positions to job classes and assignments of duties and responsibilities to budgeted positions.
County Code 4.05.220; 4.10.040
Civil Service Rules III.D.
Personnel Administrative Manual Section
III.2 Classification Methods and Practices
III.9 Splitting and Combining Positions
- Staffing levels and organizational structure of County operations usually are:
- proposed by department heads;
- recommended by the County Administrative Officer; and
- approved by the Board of Supervisors
- Allocation of Positions
Under the Santa Cruz County Limited Civil Service System and County Code Section 4.10, allocation of positions, considering the duties and responsibilities assigned to a position, is the delegated responsibility of the Personnel Department.
- The Civil Service Commission has final jurisdiction over appeals of proposed allocations under the delegated classification authority.
- Changes in Staffing Levels
Changes in staffing levels can occur for a number of reasons. Approvals occur through:
Approval by the Board of Supervisors of the addition and/or deletion of positions during Budget Hearings.
Approval by the Board of Supervisors of the addition and/or deletion of positions through mid-year budget actions during the Board of Supervisors regular meeting process.
Approval by the County Administrative Officer of mid-year actions to split or combine positions with no change in the authorized full time equivalent (FTE) levels. Note: These changes are reviewed and adopted on an annual basis by the Board of Supervisors during Budget Hearings.
All changes in staffing levels require Personnel Department review and approval of the proper allocation level prior to implementation.
Where a proposed change in staffing level moves the duties performed by a position in one bargaining unit to a position in another bargaining unit, the Personnel Department will meet with each impacted unit to discuss the implications of the proposed change prior to the action being submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval.
- Classification Actions
- All mid-year classification requests require County Administrative Officer budgetary approval before a study is conducted by the Personnel Department.
Department heads are responsible for assigning work to the appropriate level of classification. Where a position, at the appropriate classification level for the duties and responsibilities required, is not available within the department, the department head may request a reclassification study of an existing position not currently assigned the duties. THIS MUST OCCUR PRIOR TO ASSIGNING DIFFERENT WORK TO THAT POSITION.
- ADD/DELETE: If the position is vacant, the study is accomplished through the department submitting PER3116 to Personnel to review the position. With approval of the County Administrative Officer, a study is completed and the department prepares a recommendation to the Board to delete the vacant position and add the appropriate level of position.
RECLASSIFICATION: If the position is filled, the study is accomplished through the department submitting PER3116 to the Personnel Department to review the position. With approval of the County Administrative Officer, a study is completed and the study is implemented considering Civil Service Commission regulations and the impact on the incumbent of the position and Civil Service Commission regulations prescribing appointment of an individual to the new allocated level.
RECLASSIFICATION: Changes in assignment due to program requirement changes
- There are infrequent times when an original assignment and allocation are appropriate and due to evolving changes in the program, NOT a changing of assignment, a position becomes inappropriately classified.
When this occurs the position will be reviewed for reclassification upon:
- a request by the department;
- a request by the incumbent; or
a study initiated by the Personnel Department
- The Personnel Department will conduct an initial review from information submitted on PER3116, and make a recommendation and the County Administrative Officer will review the request and determine whether to:
- Change the assignment of the position to the allocated level or;
Authorize a reclassification study.
Personnel Department Standards for Review
See Personnel Administrative Manual Section III.2 - Classification Methods and Practices.
- Staffing level changes and reorganization requests are accomplished through budgeting procedures established by the County Administrative Officer.
- Reclassification requests are accomplished through completion of PER3116 submitted to the Personnel Department. Personnel will provide a preliminary recommendation on the proposed action prior to County Administrative Officer approval.