Wednesday, May 25, 2022 9:30 AM
Remote Public Hearing Remote Public Hearing Remote Public Hearing Remote Public Hearing, CA 95060
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| To participate in the Planning Commission meeting, you may connect with us via the Zoom teleconference link or via telephone. Please visit the Planning Department Home Page one week prior to the hearing date for the meeting link and phone number (sccoplanning.com).
For participants who wish to provide testimony via the Zoom link, when the public hearing is opened for the item you wish to provide testimony on, please “remotely” raise your hand by pressing the “hand” icon on your computer screen. When your name is called, a pop-up will appear to “unmute”. Accept the pop-up to unmute.
For participants who wish to provide testimony via telephone, when the public hearing is opened for the item you wish to provide testimony on, please “remotely” raise your hand by pressing *9 on your telephone. When you are called on to speak, you must unmute yourself by pressing *6 on your telephone. When called upon, please limit your remarks to the time limit allotted.
Link to Zoom Webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81481528029
Phone Number: +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID:814 8152 8029 |
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| Planning Commissions will hear brief (5- minute maximum) statements regarding items not on this agenda. |
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| To approve the minutes of the May 11, 2022, Planning Commission meeting as submitted by the Planning Department.
Draft Minutes Click Here |
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| The Sustainability Update is a comprehensive update to Santa Cruz County’s General Plan/Local Coastal Program and modernization of the County Code. The project also includes preparation of new Santa Cruz County Design Guidelines and rezoning of key opportunity sites. The goal of this update is to implement new policies and code regulations that support more sustainable communities in Santa Cruz County. This study session is the first in a series of study sessions the Planning Commission will hold, and will provide an overview of the project.
SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT: Countywide PROJECT PLANNER: Stephanie Hansen, (831) 454-3112 EMAIL: Stephanie.Hansen@santacruzcounty.us
Staff Report Click Here |
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