County seal County of Santa Cruz
Historic Resources Commission Agenda
Community Development and Infrastructure, 701 Ocean Street, Suite 400, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
  Meeting Date :  Monday, July 11, 2022 9:30 AM  
  Location :  Hybrid Meeting
See Below
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
  The meeting begins at 9:30 AM with the first item and proceeds through the items in consecutive order unless otherwise noted. Staff reports and written materials for other agenda items are available to view in the Historic Resources Commission Binder 5 days prior to the meeting. The binder will be updated with written agenda materials received less than 5 days prior to the meeting as materials are received. The Historic Resources Commission binder is available at the Public Information Desk located in the Planning Department Lobby on the 4th Floor of the County Building, 701 Ocean St. in Santa Cruz.

You may view supplemental materials associated with an item by clicking the underlined number on the agenda below.

0.Location to Attend In Person:

County Building, 701 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, 4th floor Planning Department Conference Room

Remote Participation Option:
Using your computer:

By Telephone: Call 831-454-2222, enter code 924 145 6#
1.Call to Order/Roll Call
2.Agenda Approval or Modification
3.Approval of Minutes
 From the special meeting on May 2, 2022. Click Here
4.Declaration of Ex Parte Communications
 Commissioner disclosure of oral and written communications and site visits related to applications appearing on this agenda
5.Public Communications
 Members of the public may speak on items not on this agenda.
6.Consent Items
 Approve a Resolution to continue virtual Historic Resources Commission meetings in accordance with AB 361 and amended Government Code Section 54953.

Attachment: Resolution Click Here
7.Public Hearing Items
 No public hearing items
8.New Business
 A. Elect Chair and Vice Chair to serve from July 11, 2022 to March 31, 2023

B. Presentation from the Museum of Art and History providing an overview of their annual report, highlighting activities and achievements related to historic preservation.

C. Review and provide comments on proposed amendments to historic preservation policies in the General Plan, submitted as part of the Sustainability Update.
Attachment: Staff Report  Click Here   Exhibit A  Exhibit B

D. Review and discuss draft letter from Commissioner Pearlman to the Board of Supervisors regarding informational packet for prospective commissioners.

Attachment: Draft letter  Click Here

E. Review action items in the Commission goals, including creating a list of training opportunities, discuss adding budget for historic preservation as a new goal, and report back from staff on amount budgeted in prior years for updating the Historic Resources Inventory, and review progress on these items.
Attachment: Line items in the Community Development and Infrastructure Department Budget for Historic Preservation Consultant and HRC training for FY 2022-2023

Attachment: Goal Spreadsheet  Click Here

F. Continue review of goals, beginning with Goal 5, the Mills Act.

Attachment: PowerPoint presentation  Click Here

G. Discuss options for acknowledging comments from the public in the minutes.
9.Old Business
 A. Report back from History Fair Subcommittee (Commissioner Woods)

B. Report back from staff regarding updated language in the contract with MAH regarding their duties related to historic preservation.

Attachment: Updated contract language
10.Commissioner Presentations/Informational Items
11.Historic Resources Commission Staff Updates
12.Written Communications
 Email from Jessica Ayala
13.Review of Items for Future Agendas
The County of Santa Cruz does not discriminate on the basis of disability, and no person shall, by reason of a disability, be denied the benefits of its services, programs, or activities. The meeting room is located in an accessible facility. If you wish to attend this meeting and you will require special assistance in order to participate, please contact the ADA Coordinator at 454-3137 (TDD/TTY number is 711) at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to make arrangements. As a courtesy to those persons affected, please attend the meeting smoke and scent free.


In accordance with Santa Cruz County Code Section 16.42.110, denials or approvals of Historic Preservation Plans and other determinations by the Historic Resources Commission are appealable to the Board of Supervisors. Pursuant to Santa Cruz County Code Section 18.10.340, appeals to the Board of Supervisors shall be taken by filing a written notice of appeals with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and submitting a copy of the notice along with the required appeal fee to the Planning Department, no later than fourteen calendar days following the date of the hearing from which the action was taken. For more information contact the Planning Department at 831-454-2580.