County seal County of Santa Cruz
Planning Commission Agenda
Community Development and Infrastructure, 701 Ocean Street, Suite 400, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
  Meeting Date :  Wednesday, September 27, 2023 9:30 AM  
  Location :  Board of Supervisors Chambers, Room 525
County Government Center
701 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Members of the public who are unable to attend the in-person meeting have the option of joining the meeting virtually via the ZOOM meeting link: , or by calling in and providing testimony during the public comment period for each Scheduled Item. To provide comments by telephone please dial (669) 254-5252, Webinar ID: 160 658 8374.

For questions regarding hearing procedures, or to submit written public comment associated with any scheduled item, please contact Nicholas Brown, Administrative Support, at (831) 454-5317 or

The meeting starts at 9:30 AM with the first item and proceeds through the items in consecutive order unless otherwise noted. Staff reports on permit applications are available for review or purchase one week before the hearing by calling 831-454-5317. You may also view staff reports here by clicking the underlined item number below. All items are subject to continuance. No notices of continued or rescheduled hearing dates are mailed. Please contact the project planner for further information on specific applications.

0.The meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. with the first item and proceeds through the items in consecutive order unless otherwise noted.


Members of the public who are unable to attend the in-person meeting in the Chambers have the option of joining the meeting via the ZOOM webinar link: and by  calling in and providing testimony during the public comment period for each Scheduled Item. To provide comment by telephone, please dial (669) 254-5252; Webinar ID: 160 658 8374.

For questions regarding hearing procedures, or to submit written public comment associated with any scheduled item, please contact Nicholas Brown, Administrative Support, at (831) 454-5317  or
1.Roll Call
 Chair Shepherd, Vice-Chair Schiffrin, Commissioner Gordin
2.Additions and Corrections to Agenda
3.Declaration of Ex Parte Communications
4.Oral Communications
 Planning Commission will hear brief (2-minute maximum) statements regarding items not on this agenda.
5.Approval of Minutes
 To approve the minutes of the June 14, 2023 Planning Commission meeting as submitted by the Planning Department.

Draft Minutes   Click Here
6.Study Session to Review the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
PROJECT PLANNER: Mark Connolly, (831) 454-2683

Staff Report   Click Here

Public Comment   Click Here

Powerpoint - Study Session to Review the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update    Click Here
7.Consideration of the 2024 Growth Goal Report
PROJECT PLANNER: Mark Connolly, (831) 454-2683

Staff Report   Click Here

Powerpoint - Consideration of the 2024 Growth Goal Report   Click Here

8.Planning Director’s Report
9.Report on Upcoming Meeting Dates and Agendas
10.County Counsel’s Report
Denial or approval of any permit by the Planning Commission is appealable to the Board of Supervisors. The appeal must be filed with the required appeal fee within 14 calendar days of action by the Planning Commission. To file an appeal you must write a letter to the Board of Supervisors and include the appeal fee. For more information on appeals, please see the "Planning Appeals" brochure located in the Planning Department lobby, or contact the project planner.

(*) This project requires a Coastal Zone Permit which is not appealable to the California Coastal Commission. It may be appealed to the Board of Supervisors; the appeal must be filed within 14 calendar days of action by the Planning Commission.

(**) This project requires a Coastal Development Permit. Denial or approval of the Coastal Development Permit is appealable to the Board of Supervisors; the appeal must be filed within 14 calendar days of action by the Planning Commission. After all local appeal periods have ended (grounds for appeal are listed in the County Code Section 13.20.110), approval of a Coastal Development permit is appealable to the California Coastal Commission. The appeal must be filed with the Coastal Commission within 10 business days of receipt by the Coastal Commission of notice of final local action.

Note regarding Public hearing items: If any person challenges an action taken on the foregoing matter(s) in court, they may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at or prior to the public hearing.

Agenda documents may be reviewed at the Planning Department, Room 420, County Government Center, 701 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz.

The County of Santa Cruz does not discriminate on the basis of disability, and no person shall, by reason of a disability, be denied the benefits of its services, programs or activities. The Board of Supervisors chamber is located in an accessible facility. If you require special assistance in order to participate, please contact the ADA Coordinator at 454-3137 (TTD/ TTY call 711) at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to make arrangements. As a courtesy to those persons affected, please attend the meeting smoke and scent free. If you plan to attend the meeting and participate in public comment and need translation please contact Micaela Lopez at (831) 454-2336 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in order to make arrangements. Si desea asistir la reunión y participar en los comentarios públicos y necesita traducción, comuníquese con Micaela López al (831) 454-2336 al menos 72 horas antes de la reunión para hacer los arreglos.