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| Proposal to extend the expiration date of Permit 141157 from 2/11/2019 to 2/11/2023, for an approximately 20,800 square foot mixed use building with one commercial condominium unit at the lower floor, eight residential condominium units at the second and third floors, together with 1,600 square feet of shared service/circulation areas, and the construction of a detached 2,033 square foot residential parking structure, Requires a Time Extension to Commercial Development Permit, Master Occupancy Program, Height Exception, Coastal Development Permit and Tentative Map 141157.
Property located on the south side of Portola Drive (3800 Portola Drive) at the intersection with 38th Avenue.
SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT: 1 PROJECT PLANNER: Lezanne Jeffs, (831) 454-2480 EMAIL: Lezanne.Jeffs@santacruzcounty.us
ACTION: Move item off the consent agenda and hold a public hearing.
Extend the approval of application 191008 and tentative map for 2 years and modify Condition of Approval III.L.1.a to remove the opportunity for an ‘in-lieu fee’ instead of ‘on-site affordable’ to be in compliance with current county standards.
MOTION/SECOND: Guth/Dann AYES: Guth, Dann, Shaffer Freitas, Shepherd, Lazenby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None
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| To approve the minutes of the June 12, 2019 Planning Commission meeting as submitted by the Planning Department.
ACTION: Approve the minutes as prepared by staff.
MOTION/SECOND: Dann/Shepherd AYES: Guth, Shaffer Freitas, Dann, Shepherd NOES: None ABSTAIN: Lazenby ABSENT: None
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| Proposal to adjust four parcels of 0.97 acres, 0.97 acres, 1.04 acres and 0.67 acres to three parcels (two commercial condominium lots within a 1.24-acre common area and a 2.36-acre parcel) and a street dedication of 0.05 acres and to construct a mixed-use development consisting of: 1) a two-story, 11,048 square foot dental office (Dientes) and a two-story, 19,297 square foot medical clinic (Santa Cruz Community Health Center), connected by a shared access tower; 2) four three-story residential buildings totaling 61,275 square feet containing 56 affordable residential apartments, a manager's apartment and a community center; 3) a 338 square foot maintenance shed; 4) a public park/plaza; 5) a private residential open space; 6) a private community garden, 7) shared parking, and 8) three business identification signs and two residential monument signs with a combined area of 200 square feet, in the C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) district. In addition, at the 2.36-acre residential portion of the site, the project includes adding the Regional Housing Need ("R" Combining) district to the existing C-1 zoning and a request for a 20% Residential Density Bonus. Requires the approval of a Vesting Tentative Map, a Commercial Development Permit, a Zoning Map Amendment, a Planned Unit Development, a 20% Residential Density Bonus, a Sign Exception, Design Review, and a determination that the project is Categorically Exempt from further review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Parcels located on the south side of Capitola Road between Leila Court and 17th Avenue (1412, 1438, 1500, 1514 Capitola Road).
SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT: 1 PROJECT PLANNER: Lezanne Jeffs, (831) 454-2480 EMAIL: Lezanne.Jeffs@santacruzcounty.us
ACTION: To approve application 181579 with the following changes:
- Remove left turn limitation on western entrance - Modify the zoning map amendment findings per Guth. - Modify condition R5 to include revised language per Dann. - Community garden shall be designed to have maximum sun exposure when considering tree additions and it shall be fenced in.
MOTION/SECOND: Guth/Dann AYES: Guth, Shaffer-Freitas, Dann, Lazenby, Shepherd NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None
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| Proposal to modify the animal services campus in three phases. Phase 1: remodel the animal services building on APN 026-063-01 to expand the veterinary procedure area; create a new meeting room; expand the building by 704 square feet to accommodate rabbits and cats; recognize the spay / neuter clinic serving the public; and eliminate condition of approval IV.C.7 of Permit 06-0418 which prohibits dog training and exercise areas within 50 feet of adjacent residential properties. In Phase 2: remodel and add a covered deck and 212 square feet to the existing structure on APN 026-461-02 to become a cat adoption center with coffee shop service; expand the existing northern parking lot by 11 spaces; and install three identification and two pedestrian signs. Phase 3: construct a 1,216 square feet training and education building with a 448 square feet patio to the east of the cat adoption center. Requires an Amendment to Master Site Plan Permit 06-0418, a sign exception to allow five new signs and a total of 38.5 square feet of signage where 35 square feet is allowed, and a determination that the project is Categorically Exempt under CEQA from further Environmental Review.
Property located on the northeast corner of the intersection of 7th Avenue and Rodriguez Street (2200 7th Avenue and 1001 Rodriguez Street).
SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT: 1 PROJECT PLANNER: Annette Olson, (831) 454-3134 EMAIL: Annette.Olson@santacruzcounty.us
ACTION: Approve application 181132 with an added condition of approval requiring that any trees that are removed will be replaced with 2 replacements.
MOTION/SECOND: Guth/Dann AYES: Guth, Shaffer Freitas, Dann, Lazenby, Shepherd NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None
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