• Adding New Form on the List
  1. Open Forms page, then go to "View"-> "Source":
  2. The source should open as a text file:
  3. Save the text file in your area (for example, in your DCC folder):
  4. !!IMPORTANT!!

    • Change the file type to "All Files"
    • Remove "[#]" from the file name and replace with ".htm"

  5. Scroll down until you find the right place to insert the new form:
    (PER_FORMSA is sorted by the form name, PER_FORM is sorted by the form number)
    We will insert PER9999 - "TEST FORM" here.

  6. Copy the whole table row (starts with <TR> and end with </TR>) above or below and paste it to create a duplicate.
  7. Type over the correct form number and form name.

  8. Save the file.
  9. Now upload this file just like you uploaded the form.
    (Forgot how?)
  10. Once uploaded, refresh the form page and test the link.
  11. Now, make sure you go to the other form list (in this example, the # list) and do the same!