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Five Year Implementation Plan

IP Meeting
Redevelopment Agencies are required to adopt an Implementation Plan every five years to guide execution of the Redevelopment Plan. The Implementation Plan sets forth the Agency’s goals, objectives, anticipated projects and programs for a five year planning period. The Redevelopment Agency (RDA) of Santa Cruz County keeps your property tax dollars local for investment in Soquel and Live Oak - without raising any new taxes.

Redevelopment focuses on improving neighborhoods, small business areas, and public facilities. To view the new Five Year Implementation Plan (2010-2014) adopted by the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors on November 10th, 2009, please click here.

Community dialogue and input received as a result of the 2009 Spring and Fall Workshops was integral to the preparation of this plan. To see the process by which the new Five Year Plan was prepared and presented to the Board of Directors in November of 2009 please click here.