The fall workshops have been successfully completed and were very well attended! Thanks to all of you who participated in this important community process.
The workshops were organized by topic. The topics Youth Activities & Community Facilities, Public Safety, and Safe Walking & Biking Routes were discussed together at two meetings, and the topics Economic Vitality and Affordable Housing were discussed together at two meetings.
At the workshops we provided attendees with lists of Current Projects and On-going Programs, as well as Ideas for New Projects, for each covered topic, and presented a power-point presentation covering the relevant topics. Following the presentation community members were asked to participate in a discussion with others seated at their table. A facilitator used "Questions for Discussion" to guide the discussion at each table. Each table then chose a representative to report back to the room at large their table‘s responses. Additionally, a "Comment Card" was available for those who had specific project suggestions. The results of the workshops and all the comment cards are currently being summarized. A summary of the community’s response will be posted soon, so please check back.
Below is a list of information that was presented at each workshop. If you are interested in viewing this information, simply click on the item below.
(Please note that the time period for submitting the Comment Card has ended.)
Current Projects and On-Going Programs
Youth Activities & Community Facilities / Public Safety, Safe Walking & Biking Routes
Economic Vitality / Affordable Housing
Ideas for New Projects
Youth Activities & Community Facilities
Safe Walking & Bicycling Routes
Questions for Discussion
Youth Activities & Community Facilities / Public Safety / Safe Walking & Bicycling Routes
Economic Vitality / Affordable Housing
Power Point Presentations
Economic Vitality & Affordable Housing
Youth Activities & Community Facilities, Public Safety, Safe Walking & Bicycling
Current & New Project Ideas for Major Streets