Five Year Implementation Plan
Purpose of Five Year "Implementation" Plan
The purpose of this Plan is to serve as a multi-year planning document for setting forth the Agency’s goals, objectives, anticipated projects and programs for a five year planning period. All of these are to be undertaken to alleviate *blight in the Live Oak and Soquel Project Area. This plan is intended to guide execution of the Redevelopment Plan, while allowing flexibility to respond to specific redevelopment opportunities as they arise.
*Blighted Areas are areas that exhibit substantial and prevalent adverse physical, and economic conditions requiring redevelopment assistance. In the context of California redevelopment, "blight" is a legally defined concept, referring to physical, economic, and social conditions that impair private investment.
Process for Proposed Adoption of this Five Year Plan
The Redevelopment Agency must renew or adopt a new Five Year Plan every five years. The Live Oak and Soquel Project Area’s Five Year Plan is due to be adopted in November of 2009. Community input is integral to the preparation of this new plan, and will help shape the future of Live Oak and Soquel.
During the Five Year Implementation Process, the community has the opportunity to specifically provide input at the Spring Community Workshops, the Follow-Up Topic Meetings, the Community Review of the Draft Plan and at the public hearing before the Board of Directors, as outlined below.
We encourage you to get involved at the earliest possible time and to stay involved during the process. Please check back at BuildaStrongerSoquelandLiveOak.com, as we will update the website with new information, as it is developed during this process.
Community dialogue and feedback on important issues and priorities is requested.
Staff will review, analyze and summarize the information received at the Community Workshops. This information will be posted at BuildaStrongerSoquelandLiveOak.com
The community will be asked to participate in focused discussions about specific topics identified as an outcome of the Spring 2009 Workshops.
Staff will prepare a draft plan including goals, programs, and projected activities.
The draft plan will be presented at a community meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to have the community confirm and clarify the community’s vision of the future of Live Oak and Soquel.
Public Hearing before the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency.
Implementation of the Five Year Plan - What happens to the Five Year Plan? Every year Redevelopment Agency staff prepares a draft budget and proposed work program including recommendations for funding of programs and projects included in the Five Year Plan for the Board’s consideration. The Redevelopment Agency’s final budget is adopted by the Board of Supervisors, acting as the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency, as a part of the County’s Annual Budget Process.