The spring workshops have been successfully completed and were very well attended! Thank all of you for participating in this important community process.
At the workshops we provided attendees with an agenda and presented both a video and a power-point presentation explaining how redevelopment works and examples of redevelopment projects. Following the presentation community members were asked to participate in a discussion with others seated at their table. A facilitator used a "Group Comment Card" to guide the discussion at each table. Each table then chose a representative to report back to the room at large as to what their table thought were the top challenges and priorities in the community. Workshop participants also completed the "Individual Comment Card". Additionally, a "Project Suggestion Form" was provided for those who had very specific project suggestions. The results of the workshops and all the comment cards are currently being summarized. A summary of the community’s response will be posted in August, so please check back to this website at that time for the results of the workshops.
Below is a list of information that was presented at each workshop. If you are interested in viewing this information, simply click on the item below.
- Introductory Video
- Workshop Agenda
- Spring Workshop Video
- Spring Workshop Summary
- Slide Show
- Group Comment Card
- Individual Comment Card
(Please note that the time period for submitting the Comment Card has ended.) - Project Suggestion Form
- Maps: Business and Commercial Areas
- Community Facilities
- Parks and Open Space
- Major Street and Sidewalk Projects
- Project Photos: Business and Commercial Area
- Community Facilities
- Parks and Open Space
- Major Street and Sidewalk Projects