Welcome to the Santa Cruz County Mobile and Manufactured Home Commission Website!

Commission Members

Jean Brocklebank1st District
Henry Cleveland 2nd District
Candi Walker 3rd District
Richard Valdez4th District
Rick Halterman5th District
Carol A. LernoGolden State Manufactured
Homeowner's League
Charlene SolymanWestern Manufactured
Home Association
If you have any questions regarding the Mobile and Manufactured Home Commission, please call:
(831) 454-2772
701 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA
Manu Koenig, County Supervisor (Liaison)

Commission Purpose

The Mobilehome Commission studies proposed state and federal legislation relating to mobile home living, and makes recommendations regarding such legislation to the Board of Supervisors; assesses the needs of persons living in mobilehomes and makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on matters under the Board's jurisdiction; accepts public input on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission; and considers and advises Board of Supervisors on other matters related to mobile home living.
To receive meeting agendas by email please email commissions@santacruzcounty.us with the subject line: MMHC Please add me to the list
As of July 1, 2012, all mobile and manufactured homes which have fuel burning appliances or an attached garage are required to have a carbon monoxide alarm installed in or near sleeping areas.