The process of adopting and implementing a redevelopment plan is established by State Law, but is administered locally, through local elected boards of supervisors or city councils. Within Santa Cruz County, all four cities and the county have created redevelopment agencies. The Santa Cruz County Redevelopment Agency was established by the Board of Supervisors in 1986.
Under State Law, redevelopment efforts can only take place once a Redevelopment Plan has been adopted for a specific area of the county. To date, one redevelopment plan has been adopted, since 1987, for the Live Oak and Soquel Project Area. Significant activities have been underway since 1989 to implement that plan.
State Law also requires that 20% of agency revenues must be used to finance affordable housing projects and programs. Unlike community improvement projects, housing efforts are allowed to take place throughout the entire unincorporated area. For more detailed information on the Agency's housing efforts, please refer to the Affordable Housing section of this site.
The actions of the Redevelopment Agency are overseen by the Board of Supervisors, acting as the Board of Directors for the Agency. Day-to-day operation of the Agency's programs and projects are administered by the Redevelopment Department, a separate department of County government.
A critical component of proceeding with the various Agency projects, is involving and informing the larger community. Those efforts include regular meetings in the community to discuss the design of upcoming projects, see Community Meetings. As well, annually the Agency produces a Newsletter to inform the larger community of current and upcoming projects. The newsletter is sent to all residents and businesses within the Project Area.
The Redevelopment staff provide overall coordination and administration of the Agency's various projects and activities. Work tasks include: coordination of technical design and public involvement for capital projects; real property negotiations, acquisitions, and management; facilitation of community design plans; coordination of economic revitalization activities; financial management; and tracking Agency funded affordable housing accomplishments. Use this link to view our budget.
The Redevelopment Agency is required under AB 987 to compile and maintain a database of existing, new and substantially rehabilitated housing units developed or otherwise assisted with moneys from Low and Moderate Housing Fund, or otherwise counted towards the Redevelopment Agency requirements. View AB987 Database here.
The Agency Administrator is Betsey Lynberg. Betsey was recently appointed to this position after serving for 13 years as Urban Designer and as Capital Improvement Program Manager at the Agency. Staff positions include project and financial managers, landscape architects and support staff. In addition the Agency funds the redevelopment Engineering Section within the Public Works Department, which is primarily responsible for the engineering design and construction of road and drainage improvement projects. The newly created Housing Section of the Planning Department, also funded by the Redevelopment Agency, will oversee Agency funded housing programs and projects, Measure J, and County Housing programs. Lastly, Agency staff work closely with other county departments to complete its projects, including the Planning Department.
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