Projects & Programs
The objective of this aspect of our redevelopment activities is replacing or improving inadequate public infrastructure within the Redevelopment area. Public "infrastructure" can include park sites, acquisition and development, street improvements, drainage facilities, bike and pedestrian improvements, parking facilities and rehabilitation projects, including street trees.
The first phase of a project is conceptual design. During this stage, community meetings are held to seek input from neighborhood residents and business owners. These suggestions often are a critical factor driving the final project design.
After approval of the conceptual design by the Board of Supervisors, detailed engineering/architectural design proceeds to a point where a permit application can be submitted.
After permit approval, final design plans are completed and a construction contract is put out to bid and awarded by the Board of Supervisors. Most projects are constructed in coordination with other departments, often County Public Works.
By law, the Redevelopment Agency may not support normal maintenance or operations. As a result, after construction has been completed, the County becomes responsible for maintenance through its departments, such as Parks,
The Community Improvements section is presented in two categories: Current Projects and Completed Projects. Due to the large number of completed projects, that category is further broken down by type of project - Parks and Community Facilities, Road Improvement Projects and Drainage Projects. After clicking on the subject which interests you from the choices below, you will find an alphabetical list of the projects in that section. Clicking on any item will give you a direct link to that subject, or you may scroll down the page to view them all.
- Current Projects
- Completed Projects - Parks and Community Facilities
- Completed Projects - Road Improvement Projects
- Completed Projects - Drainage Projects