RDA Home > Community Improvements > Current Projects > Anna Jean Cummings Park Improvements

Anna Jean Cummings Park Improvements

Location: Porter Street, north of Soquel Dr.


Project Manager: Cristina James, Park Planner

                                  Department of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services


This large regional park was originally developed by the Redevelopment Agency nearly ten years ago. It is very popular with the community and provides recreational opportunities for organized sports as well as local facilities for family picnics, children’s play areas and hiking. The Agency has continued to work with the Department of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services to provide funding and assistance for various park improvements and identify opportunities for enhancing the recreational facilities. The success of the park can be gauged by the large number of community members who continue to use the park and the need for expanded facilities because of heavy use.


In order to improve playability and to save costs associated with high water use and maintenance, the Parks Department proposed exploring options to upgrade two Upper terrace soccer fields to synthetic turf and associated features such as drainage, viewing areas, fencing and ADA access. Community Meetings were held January 27th and March 2nd, 2010.

Project Status:
Proposals to upgrade the upper soccer fields at the park have been put on hold. At this time the consultant contract has been canceled and further work has been put on hold pending the outcome of discussions regarding the use of artificial turf. As directed by the Board of Supervisors a community wide artificial turf committee will be evaluating the issues related to use of synthetic turf at county park facilities. For additional details please check with the County Parks Department.


For information and a description of the original, completed Anna Jean Cummings Park please see the Completed Projects section. More details and facilities reservation information is available through the Parks Department website: www.scparks.com/annajeancummings.html