RDA Home > Community Improvements > Current Projects > Moran Lake Park Improvements

Moran Lake Park Improvements

Location: East Cliff Drive between 26th Avenue and Moran Way


Project Manager: County Parks Department


Background and History: Since completion of the Moran Lake Restoration Study, the Agency has provided funds for the County Parks Department to hire a consultant to prepare detailed improvement plans.


The consultant’s work consists of combining and coordinating butterfly habitat management plans for both Moran Lake Park and the County Sanitation District’s Lode Street Facility. New proposed park improvements include: restrooms, and nature trail through the north end of Moran Lake, habitat re-vegetation, Eucalyptus tree management, repaving and striping the existing parking lot, a new restroom building and drainage and bank stabilization measures.


Project Status: Revisions to the project plans are being prepared by the design consultant team and these plans are nearly complete. Once complete a development permit application will be submitted to the County Planning Department. It is expected that an environmental review will be necessary during the permit process and that the California Coastal Commission or other agencies may require additional permits. It is anticipated that the permit process will require up to 12 months. 



To reach the Moran Lake Water Quality Study & Conceptual Restoration Plan, please click on the report title.