RDA Home > Community Improvements > Current Projects > Sidewalk Infill Program
Sidewalk Infill Program

Construction of missing sections of sidewalk on streets where some sidewalks already exist is an on-going effort of the Redevelopment Agency and the Department of Public Works Redevelopment Engineering section.  These projects improve pedestrian safety and convenience along streets within the redevelopment area as well as address critical drainage and other problems. The focus has been on major commercial streets and residential neighborhood streets which connect to schools and other public facilities.

Current Sidewalk Infill Projects:

Daubenbiss Avenue, east side from West Walnut to Soquel Drive

History: The improvements include the continuation and completion of the sidewalk, curb, and gutter on the east side of Daubenbiss Avenue and a new bus stop at the corner of Daubenbiss Avenue and Soquel Drive. In addition, the entire street received a new asphalt surface.

Project Status: These improvements were largely completed in the winter of 2009/2010. Limited minor adjustments to one driveway/gutter connection on the western side of Daubenbiss are planned for early 2011.