RDA Home > Community Improvements > Current Projects > 30th Avenue Improvement Project

30th Avenue Improvement Project

Location: 30th Avenue (Scriver Street - Portola Ave.)


Program Manager: David Reid


Background and History:Thirtieth Avenue has undergone a series of Redevelopment Agency improvement projects over time that have addressed issues of pedestrian and bicycle safety, drainage, parking, and vehicle speed from Portola Drive to Brommer Street, and from East Cliff Drive to Scriver Street. Current improvement conditions along 30th Avenue in the project area (Scriver Street to Portola Drive) consist of sidewalk, curb and gutter along the West side of the road. The shoulder along the East side of 30th in the project area remains unimproved and is currently a mixture of dirt, gravel and partial paving. These conditions contribute to unorganized and inefficient on-street parking, poor aesthetics, standing water, and poor storm water quality which flows to Moran Lake.

Community Meeting :The County of Santa Cruz Redevelopment Agency along with the Department of Public Works held a community meeting on April 20th, 2010 to present alternatives for improvements to 30th Avenue.


The County of Santa Cruz Department of Public Works prepared two conceptual plan alternatives for the proposed improvements along 30th Avenue from Scriver Street to Portola Drive. Alternative 1 consisted of improving the East side of 30th Avenue with curb, gutter, and storm water bulb-outs (to improve parking, minimize impacts to private residents, improve visual aesthetics, and to mitigate stormwater quantity and quality). The second alternative included sidewalks to the improvements proposed in Alternative 1. At the community meeting on April 20th 2010 the Redevelopment Agency and Public Works department recommended Alternative 1 as it best addresses the goals of the project and provides consistency with the Pleasure Point Plan while minimizing the impact to on-street parking and private residences.

Most of the community members in attendance preferred Alternative 1. However due to the limited public attendance at the community meeting, community members were given ways to contact Agency staff with additional input.


Following the community meeting the Agency received numerous calls and emails of support for Alternative 1 from residents of 30th Avenue. One 30th Avenue resident stated being in favor of Alternative 2. We also received one email opposed to the project from a resident of the adjacent Pleasure Point area.


 Project Status:  The County Board of Supervisors approved the plan line for this improvement project at their November 16, 2010 agenda (Plan Line Letter). The Agency and DPW are moving forward with developing the engineering construction plans and documents for Alternative 1 (Curb, gutters and storm water bulb-outs along the East side of 30th Ave).


Construction is anticipated to begin: Spring 2011.



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