Human Services Department


Mission Statement

We strengthen our community by protecting the vulnerable, promoting self sufficiency, alleviating poverty, and improving the quality of life.

Department Overview

The Human Services Department offers a wide range of programs and services to the Santa Cruz County community. The department provides safety net services to meet the basic needs of individuals and families, ensures the protection of children, the elderly, and dependent adults, and provides job search assistance and job training opportunities to help job seekers become self sufficient. The department promotes economic security and community vitality for County residents through administration of a variety of programs, including programs to protect seniors and people with disabilities, services for veterans, child welfare services, Medi-Cal, CalFresh and cash aid programs, employment and workforce services, and housing programs for individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

Budget Summary

Department Budget Overview

Budget Summary of Changes

The Human Services Department (HSD) budget includes scheduled and negotiated salary and benefit increases. HSD is recommending status quo staffing, with a minor adjustment to reclassify 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) vacant Benefit Representative to 1.0 FTE Benefit Representative Supervisor to support expanded training expectations and state/regional coordination. The budget includes a reduction by $7.1 million and $3.2 million in State Child Welfare Services funding and State Community Services Block Grant funding respectively. The budget sustains current services, pending the outcome of State budget negotiations for 2024-25.

Supplemental Budget Summary of Changes

The Supplemental Budget includes the reclass of a 1.0 FTE Social Worker II in Housing for Health to a Departmental Administrative Analyst to increase grant management capacity for a portfolio of 40-50 grant programs, and other miscellaneous changes within Social Services Administration, Workforce Innovation and Opportunities, and Public Guardian.

Last Day Budget Summary of Changes

The Last Day Budget adds $50,000 from Board-directed spending in the Housing for Health Division from District 3 for the Tenant Sanctuary contract extension for eviction legal defense.

Adopted Budget Summary of Changes

The Adopted Budget adds $11,871,282 in expenditures and $12,842,200 in revenues. The changes are from $10,772,200 in 2023-24 revenue agreements and $4,023,184 in related appropriations that continue into 2024-25. They also include $14,754,093 in 2023-24 unspent contract expenditures that continue into 2024-25, which is offset by a decrease of $6,905,995 in expenditures and $2,070,000 in added revenues from 2024-25 concluding budget actions.

District Sales Tax Contribution

The District Sales Tax contribution totals $2,000,000 and funds 24-hour, service-enriched shelters and transitional housing located in unincorporated areas of the County and staffing and operational support for other housing and homelessness programs, services, and accessible housing for residents struggling with housing stability and homelessness. Housing for Health is leveraging the existing contribution of $1,000,000, which was part of the prior General Fund contribution and is shown separately in 2024-25, to provide homelessness programs, services and accessible housing for the most vulnerable populations. In addition, the Board approved a new contribution of $1,000,000 to fund the Behavioral Health Bridge Housing project and Youth Homekey project.

Open the Services Overview or Operational Plan Objectives below for more details.

Department Services and Objectives

Total Expenses
Total Revenues
General Fund Contribution
District Sales Tax Contribution
Other Fund Contributions
Funded Staffing
Service Overview
Operational Plan Objectives
This service supports various department objectives


1 – Indicates change from FY 2021-22 Allowed Budget

2 – General Fund Contribution is the share of General County Revenues (primarily property tax and other local taxes) allocated to each department. Other funds that contribute to this budget are shown on the Budget Details page.

3 – Indicates change from FY 2021-22 Adjusted Funded Positions (including Board-approved mid-year changes as of April 1, 2022).

Budget Details

The charts below show department expenditures and revenues by division and service. Click on the pie charts to drill down for more detail. Complete detail can be found on the County's Transparency Portal.

Expenses by Service

Expenses and Revenues over time

Personnel Details

The chart below provides the department personnel detail by division, service, and classification.
