Board of Supervisors


Mission Statement

To set priorities and policies for the overall operations of the various County departments and districts, and appropriate and spend money on programs that meet the needs of County residents.

Department Overview

Pursuant to the provisions of the California Constitution, the Board of Supervisors governs the Santa Cruz County unincorporated area and is the executive and legislative governing body of the County of Santa Cruz. The Board directs overall operations of the various County departments and districts by establishing policies and approving the budgets and financing for all of County government and certain special districts.

The Board of Supervisors also serves as the governing body for a number of political entities separate from the County, including County Service Areas, the Santa Cruz County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and County road maintenance districts. Board members also serve on other local and regional boards such as the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, the Local Agency Formation Commission and the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission.

Budget Summary

Department Budget Overview

Budget Summary of Changes

The Board of Supervisors budget is status quo, maintains current staffing levels and includes scheduled and negotiated salary and benefit increases. Increases in services and supplies reflect memberships in various associations, costs for training and education and associated travel expenses for the New Supervisors Academy and increased travel with Board agency assignments as well as the continuation of the Young Supervisors Academy.

Last Day Budget Summary of Changes

The Last Day Budget adds $450,000 in Board-directed spending offset by a reduction in General Fund Contingency, which includes $150,000 from transient occupancy tax revenue to support areas impacted by vacation rentals in Districts 1 and 2, and $50,000 from single-use cup tax revenue to support local non-profit organizations and programs for environmental cleanup/mitigation and education.

Of the total $450,000, $110,000 was added to the Board of Supervisors budget as follows: District 1 - $20,000 for North Rodeo Gulch Trail Concept Report and $10,000 for Treasure Cove Park; District 3 - $10,000 for a future use; District 4 - $60,000 for a future use; and District 5 - $5,000 for Friends of Quail Hollow Ranch and $5,000 for Coastal Watershed Council.

The remaining $340,000 in Board-directed spending was reflected in the following budgets: Community Development and Infrastructure Capital projects ($25,000 from District 1 for East Cliff Dr improvements and $20,000 from District 5 for Big Basin); Human Services Department ($50,000 from District 3 for Tenant Sanctuary); Parks Capital ($5,000 from District 1 for Simpkins pool); Capital Projects ($75,000 from District 1 and $135,000 from District 2 for future use; Capital Projects-Library ($30,000 from District 5 for Boulder Creek Library).

Open the Services Overview or Operational Plan Objectives below for more details.

Department Services and Objectives

Total Expenses
Total Revenues
General Fund Contribution
District Sales Tax Contribution
Other Fund Contributions
Funded Staffing
Service Overview
Operational Plan Objectives
This service supports various department objectives


1 – Indicates change from FY 2021-22 Allowed Budget

2 – General Fund Contribution is the share of General County Revenues (primarily property tax and other local taxes) allocated to each department. Other funds that contribute to this budget are shown on the Budget Details page.

3 – Indicates change from FY 2021-22 Adjusted Funded Positions (including Board-approved mid-year changes as of April 1, 2022).

Budget Details

The charts below show department expenditures and revenues by division and service. Click on the pie charts to drill down for more detail. Complete detail can be found on the County's Transparency Portal.

Expenses by Service

Expenses and Revenues over time

Personnel Details

The chart below provides the department personnel detail by division, service, and classification.
