Cannabis Licensing
Mission Statement
To create the licensing and regulatory framework, at the local level, that balances medical use, adult recreational use, and the health, safety and welfare of residents and businesses within Santa Cruz County, while reducing harm associated with illegal activities.
Department Overview
The Cannabis Licensing Office was formed to implement State legislative actions for the regulation of medical and adult recreational cannabis use. The Office strives to develop and maintain an effective regulatory and licensing program that ensures consistent licensing and compliance within the cannabis industry.
Budget Summary
Department Budget Overview
Budget Summary of Changes
The Cannabis Licensing Office budget deletes 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) vacant Code Compliance Investigator III due to reduced illegal activities, with increases to salaries and benefits reflecting negotiated cost increases only. Reductions in revenues for both licensing ($100,000) and civil penalties (397,000) due to marketplace consolidations and reduced illegal activities are offset by reduced staffing, reductions in Sheriff ‘s Services costs for enforcement activities and reductions in various services and supplies categories.
Open the Services Overview or Operational Plan Objectives below for more details.
Department Services and Objectives
1 – Indicates change from FY 2021-22 Allowed Budget
2 – General Fund Contribution is the share of General County Revenues (primarily property tax and other local taxes) allocated to each department. Other funds that contribute to this budget are shown on the Budget Details page.
3 – Indicates change from FY 2021-22 Adjusted Funded Positions (including Board-approved mid-year changes as of April 1, 2022).
Budget Details
The charts below show department expenditures and revenues by division and service. Click on the pie charts to drill down for more detail. Complete detail can be found on the County's Transparency Portal.
Expenses by Service
Expenses and Revenues over time
Personnel Details
The chart below provides the department personnel detail by division, service, and classification.